Monday, January 30, 2012

Black History Month Events in Kingsport

The list of events commemorating Black History Month in Kingsport and the surrounding area is now posted.

Please go to the NEWS OF OUR DOUGLASS FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS link on the main page of the website, to see the list.

Keep checking back at that link, because the list will be updated periodically, as we are notified about specific happenings.

If you have an event for Black History Month at your church or in your area, please let me know about it, at and we will post it at the NEWS OF OUR DOUGLASS FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS link.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Happy Birthday, Jaleisa!

The story on the birthday party celebration for our beloved Jaleisa Dulaney is published in the RIVERVIEW FEATURES - OPINIONS - LETTERS TO THE EDITOR page.

Please go to the front page of the website, and click on that link to see the story and pictures.

Jubilee Singers Visit Story....UVA-Wise Dr. King Commemoration Story

There is a story on the Fisk Jubilee Singers coming to Greeneville for a Black History Month concert.

Also, there is a story on the commemoration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birtday at the University of Virginia - Wise campus.

Those stories are published at the NEWS OF OUR DOUGLASS FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS link. Please go to the website's front page, and click on that link to see the stories.

Monday, January 23, 2012

An Update Letter from our Sons and Daughters of Douglass President

Dear Fellow Alumni and Greetings, friends!

As we exit 2011 I would like to give you a brief recap of this past year's events. Sons and Daughters of Douglass, Inc. enjoyed a very nice reunion under the leadership of Douglass Releford. This year's golf tournament was the most successful that we've had to date. Thanks to our two major sponsors of the event, attorney Mr. Rick Spivey and Eastman Chemical Company we were able to award some very nice scholarships in 2011.

In December, approximately 75 letters were sent out to prospective sponsors in hopes that we will gain even more support for this year's golf tournament that supports our scholarship fund. We also hope that more of our local alumni will participate.

The alumni working board has also had a very successful fund raiser, which will help curtail the cost of our office expenses. We have registered our name change, Sons and Daughters of Douglass, Inc., with the state of Tennessee and the Internal Revenue Service, as well as having completed a year as a non-profit organization. To gain more visibility in the community at large, the Sons and Daughters of Douglass, Inc. are now members of the Kingsport Chamber of Commerce. As a member of the chamber, Douglass Alumni will be listed in their printed directory as well, as online. Being a member of the Kingsport Chamber of Commerce is a great way to network through the various activities sponsored by the chamber.

To carry out the traditions of Douglass Alumni, Sons and Daughters of Douglas, Inc. will continue to be involved in the community. We voted to support some of the benevolence programs already in progress this year. These programs will support our youth and senior citizens.

As with every passing year, we lose several alumni members to death. Some of these members were very active with our association and will be truly missed. It is our hope that in the near future our children and grandchildren will want to carry the torch of the Sons and Daughters of Douglass, so that our name and what we stand for will continue to illuminate in our community and city.

The board members are looking forward to a busy year in 2012. We are always looking for more Douglass alumni to become involved with our projects. This is YOUR alumni association, so feel free to contact me through this website or through the office email ( with any suggestions you may have.

On behalf of the working board of Sons and Daughters of Douglass, Inc. I want to wish each and everyone of you, a happy and healthy 2012.

Virginia (Jenny) Hankins, President
Sons and Daughters of Douglass, Inc.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Luncheon: "Eating of the Fruit"

It has been written that "central to the thinking of Martin Luther King was the idea of the 'beloved community.'"

From an article written by Kenneth L. Smith and Ira G. Zepp, Jr.,
"King’s was a vision of a completely integrated society, a community of love and justice wherein brotherhood would be an actuality in all of social life. In his mind, such a community would be the ideal corporate expression of the Christian faith."

In the Riverview community, that concept is celebrated mostly through fellowship.. with a little bit of food added for good measure.

The annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Luncheon, held in the Riverview Community Room in the K.H.R.A. wing of the V.O. Dobbins, Sr. Complex, brought together residents and citizens, to enjoy a nice, hot meal, and to reconnect with friends and neighbors.

Click here to see a slideshow of the luncheon dinner.

The Riverview family enjoyed delicious homemade chili beans, cole slaw, corn bread, crackers, and cakes and pies.

There was plenty to go around, and entertainment was supplied by music from the Full Gospel Mission Church. The family was also treated to door prizes given away to both children and adults by answering several questions pertaining to African-American history, and the history of Riverview.

The luncheon was sponsored by New Vision Youth & Kingsport Parks and Rec Division of Community Services, in partnership with Friends of Distinction and the Riverview Residents Association.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Candlelight Vigil: "This Little Light of Mine"

The annual Candlelight Vigil in memory of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., is indeed, one of the most solemn events held in the Kingsport community.

As participants braved a little nip in the air and persistant little raindrops, they also honored the memory of local Riverview residents who have passed during the past year.

Click here to see a slideshow of the candlelight vigil.

"Programs like this are helpful and respectful in the community," says Tyson Keller, Kingsport Parks & Rec program administrator at the V.O. Dobbins Sr. Complex. "Our biggest mission is promoting family, because once you do that, you gain a trust that allows people to interact with each other, and whenever we have family-based programs here, people will come out and participate."

Five candles were lit in honor of several areas of family and community life: Youth, Unity, Love, Working Together, and Remembrance.

The first candle for YOUTH, was lit by Jessica Kerney, with the Riverview Unit of the Kingsport Boys & Girls Club:

"I want to light this candle in honor of the youth, so that they can understand diversity, and also not just to understand it, but to celebrate it. They look at each other every day and they don't see any differences in each other, even though each is unique in their own way. Each brings something unique and different to the table that we all share. They need to know that it's OK to be different, and it's OK to look at someone who is not like them, and to love them. Sometimes as adults, we forget that kids are our future, and we need to move that to the top of the list of things to remember."

The second candle represents UNITY, and was lit by Tyson Keller:

"I light this candle so that hopefully, we can all come together and to continue taking back our community. There is a lot of really strong heritage here. Let's come together in the year 2012, and keep our community strong. Coming from the different communities that I have lived in, I have seen some really good programs that have worked for residents, and we hope to continue those programs here. I would like to do a lot of family-based programs, things that not just bring the kids together, but the adults as well. Things like games that everybody can play, family movie night. You'll see us partner up with some of the groups in the community that you're familiar with, to push that message of togetherness along."

The third candle represents LOVE, and was lit by the Reverend Charles Hawkins, pastor of Bethel A.M.E. Zion Church in Riverview:

"I light this candle on behalf of the Kingsport Ministerial Alliance. Many of us remember the civic duties of Dr. King, and we must remember that his first passion was the Church.. that he was Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The Bible teaches us that we are Christ's Disciples by our love, so let us continue to try our best to show love towards one another, and even those in spite of our differences, because that is what God would have us to do."

The fourth candle represents WORKING TOGETHER, and was lit by Danelle Glasscock, Executive Director of the United Way of Greater Kingsport:

"We have a motto at United Way: Live United. I was thinking this morning, how appropriate this motto is for today about living united. I also was thinking about the sentence "blessed are the peacemakers" and what a great day to be thinking about that, in honor of Dr. King. At the United Way, we see a lot of needs in our community, as I know you all do, too. There are so many people in our community who care about others, that give, that volunteer their time and that advocate on behalf of making this a better place. I know we all want to be a part of that, and I thank you all for being a part of that, too. We're honored to be working together with you.. over 10,000 people in this community that give to the United Way to support things like the Riverview Boys & Girls Club. We're also honored to be working together with you in this historic building, and we're happy to have and continue that partnership."

The fifth and final candle represents REMEMBRANCE, and was lit by 12-year-old Savion Camp, 6th grader at Lincoln School:

"We've had a lot of people pass away in Riverview, but even though we still love them, we know they have gone on to a better place. We've still got troubles, but we can beat them and make this a good place to live."

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Kingsport honors MLK with downtown parade

Monday’s parade in Kingsport drew one of its largest crowds in years.



KINGSPORT — The weather cooperated Monday, not being nearly as cold and windy as in years past. And as a result more than 75 men, women and children marched in the 12th annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day Parade in downtown Kingsport.

“We’re ecstatic that the weather is cooperating and the people are showing up,” said Pastor Ronnie Collins, organizer of the parade. “We’re
pleased with the turnout, and when the weather is good, people do show up even better.”

Click here to see a slideshow of the the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Kingsport March .

The Tennessee/Virginia Fellowship Against Racism and the East Tennessee Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship sponsors and organizes the yearly parade on the holiday honoring King.

Monday’s parade in Kingsport drew one of its largest crowds in years. People young and old were in attendance, from grade school to high school, from middle-aged to seniors, African-American and Caucasian. Some were in suits, most dressed casual, while a few wore sweatpants.

Children could be seen carrying signs with “Peace,” “Love” and “Hope” along with banners of King’s image or the name of their organization, such as the United Religion Initiative or the Standing on the Side of Love Web site. A half dozen people played the tambourine and drums while they marched down Center Street, and the 88.3 WCQR van played gospel music. At least three canine companions joined in the hourlong festivities. The Department of Veterans Affairs, Full Gospel Mission, Central Baptist Church and the Spirit and Truth Full Gospel Baptist Church filled out the rest of the parade.

“Our special theme is still ‘Remember. Celebrate. Act. A Day On, Not a Day Off,’ ” Collins said. “One of the things that we want to encourage people to do is get more involved in the different movements that are going on in America.”

One such movement is the “Occupy the Dream” coalition, consisting of leaders from the African-American faith community and the Occupy Wall Street movement. The coalition, which kicked off back in December, called for a National Day of Action on Monday to occupy Federal Reserve banks in 16 cities across the nation to “focus attention on the gross injustice visited upon the 99 percent by the financial elite.”

“We’ve got 99 percent of the people suffering, and 1 percent of the people doing very well,” Collins said. “What can we do to make that a little better balance? What can we do to get jobs? To get the party of ‘No’ to not always say no and get some things passed that will help encourage people to get jobs and help with people losing their homes.

“We need to get some policies passed that will help America and not harm America.”

In addition to celebrating King’s life and message, Collins said the country is also celebrating the opening of the Martin Luther King Jr. memorial at the National Mall in Washington, D.C., last August. The centerpiece of the 4-acre memorial is a 30-foot-tall granite carving of King. Fourteen quotes from King’s speeches, sermons and writings are featured on the Inscription Wall at the memorial.

“I was there a couple of weeks ago, and it was just breathtaking. The structure, how they did it was immaculate. He looks so clear, and it was just a beautiful thing to see,” Collins said.

Monday, January 16, 2012


Please see the guest editorial concerning the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday from the Kingsport Times-News on the Riverview Features - Opinions -Letters to the Editor Page of the website

Sunday, January 15, 2012

MLK worship service to be held Sunday

• KINGSPORT — The Greater Kingsport Ministerial Alliance will hold its annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day Worship Service today Sunday January 15, 2011 beginning at 4 p.m. at Bethel AME Zion Church in Kingsport. Rev. James McMillan, Jones Memorial AME Zion Church, Greeneville, will speak.


Nightmare continues for families of Kingsport murder victims

‘I’m just going through the motions. I’m in survival mode.’ — Robin Caldwell



KINGSPORT — Though the holidays have passed and a new year has dawned, the families of two people murdered in Kingsport continue to be haunted by the nightmares of 2011: Their loved ones’ killers are out there, on the loose, and at any time could inflict the pain they feel upon others.

“I’m just going through the motions. I’m in survival mode,” said Robin Caldwell, whose mother, Betty Sue Short, 65, was found bludgeoned to death in her home last October. “I truly believe that all I’m going on are people’s thoughts and prayers.”

“Daily you ask why — what could someone have done to make one person take another’s life?” questions Monique Henry, five months after her brother, Jarrett Hughes, 24, was shot in his mother’s home by intruders.
“What’s done is done. We can’t bring my brother back. But we need (closure) for my mother,” said Henry.

Kingsport police say they continue to investigate the two cases on a daily basis, while family of the victims report receiving regular updates from detectives. Hughes was fatally shot on Aug. 3 in the Dale Street home of his mother — who was sleeping in another room — after two men burst through the back door.

On Oct. 16, Short’s body was discovered by her son inside her home at 361 Barnett Drive, Apartment 2. Police say there were no signs of forced entry into her residence — leading them to believe Short knew her attacker — and the murder was “extremely brutal.”

Detectives working each case say significant progress is being made. But they also believe individuals with potentially vital information have yet to come forward.

In the murder of Short, a toolbox containing two handguns and two collector knives was stolen from her residence. One knife is described as ivory bone in color and between 2 and 2½ inches in length. The second is a sheath knife, ivory bone in color.

Both were contained in individual, hardened white tubes, and police hope pawn shops or the general public may have bought or traded for the items. Kingsport Police Department Detective Randy Murray says those who may have acquired the objects second or thirdhand shouldn’t fear coming forward. Police aren’t focusing on individuals possessing the knives, but tracking down the killer who stole them.

He also put an emphasis on receiving information from residents of the numerous homes around Short’s apartment, which includes a large mobile home park. Even if you think your information is minute and mundane, or that someone has already told police what you have to share, investigators want to hear these insights.

Murray said his investigation is focusing on Short’s family and friends, with her family fully cooperating.

“Being a female, and her age, there’s a lot of public outcry, a lot of people upset,” Murray said.

Caldwell reiterates the pleas of police for more information from the public. Each time she is contacted by investigators, she hopes it’s the “hallelujah” call — delivering news that charges have been filed against a suspect.

“I have no doubt that my mother is in a better place. I just can’t fathom how somebody can take a life in their own hands,” Caldwell said.

“I’ve learned a lot during all this. It takes time, and I’m not a very patient person,” Caldwell added.

Patience is a quality echoed by the family of Hughes.

“I told the detective, ‘Just take your time,’ ” said Henry, Hughes’ sister. “I want them to dot every i and cross every t, so nothing can be thrown out (in court).”

Her heart continues to crave the daily phone calls and texts from her brother, each one closed with, “I love you.” Her son and daughter have been robbed of an unwavering supporter — their uncle in the stands every time they suited up for a basketball or football game, rooting them on.

But his presence is still felt.

“He’s always there, in the back of my head, telling me things,” said Henry.

“I don’t hate anyone — not even (the killers), because they obviously have issues they’re going through. I just don’t want it to happen to anyone else. It’s just too hard to lose a brother or a son unexpectedly. It’s hard for a person to bury their youngest child,” said Henry.

KPD Detective Cpl. Frank Light says robbery is believed to be the motive behind Hughes’ murder. When the men burst into the Dale Street home and killed Hughes, three other people were in the residence — his sleeping mother, Charlotte Erwin, and a male and female visitor of Hughes.


After shooting Hughes, the two intruders are believed to have run from the home to a small red vehicle with front-end damage. One suspect is described as a black male between 25 and 28 years old, approximately 5 feet 8 inches tall, and more than 200 pounds with dreadlocks. The other is described as a black male between 5 feet 3 inches and 5 feet 5 inches tall, more than 100 pounds, with an afro.

“He may be gone, but he’ll never be forgotten,” Erwin said of her son. “He’ll be forever young.”

The community and Erwin’s church, Kingsport’s Powerful New Life Church of God in Christ, have collected money to establish a reward fund. Light said the $1,000 will be given to anyone who provides information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for the murder.

Until that occurs, it’s the final words between mother and son that provide Erwin solace.

“He said, ‘Love you, Mom,’ and I said, ‘Love you, Jay,’ ” she recalls of their exchange shortly before she laid down, only to be awoken by gunfire. “I cherish those words. I hold those words close to my heart. That gives me peace in my hard days.”

Anyone with information on the murder of Hughes or Short is urged to contact KPD detectives at 229-9429.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

2012 Gospel Fest at the Renaissance Center

H.O.P.E. is hosting the 2012 Gospel Fest
Jan 21, 2012
Kingsport Renaissance Center
1200 E. Center St.

Doors open at 6 PM, Show begins at 7 PM

Music provided by:
Robert LaQue Hale
Mary Welch
Rebekah Morgan
Ida Machen
and others

Reception to follow

For more information, contact:

Stella Robinette - H.O.P.E.
President & Founder
P.O. Box 7632
Kingsport, TN 37664

Other MLK Day Events in Riverview

In addition to the annual MLK Day Parade in downtown Kingsport, please note these other events on Monday, January 16, 2012:

MONDAY, JANUARY 16TH - MARTIN LUTHER KING DAY: New Vision Youth & Kingsport Parks and Rec Division of Community Services, in partnership with Friends of Distinction and Riverview Residents Association presents the annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Unity Luncheon,Monday, January 16th, 1:30 PM, Riverview Community Room, 301 Louis Street, Kingsport. Homemade chili beans,cole slaw, corn break, crackers, desserts & drinks - Door prizes, gospel singing by Full Gospel Mission Church Gospel Choir. Everybody welcome. For more information, contact Johnnie Mae Swagerty 429-7553 and Chassie Smiley-Freeman 224-2420.

MONDAY, JANUARY 16TH - MARTIN LUTHER KING DAY: New Vision Youth and City of Kingsport Parks and Rec Division of Community Services presents the annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Candlelight Vigil, Monday, January 16th, 6 PM, V.O. Dobbins Complex Parking Lot, 301 Louis Street, Kingsport. Theme: "Let's Walk in Unity & Love Each Other." In case of rain, vigil will be held in the Riverview Community Room. Everybody welcome! Please bring a candle and lots of love and unity and a prayer in your heart. For more information, contact Johnnie Mae Swagerty 429-7553 or Chassie Smiley-Freeman, 224-2420

Regions Presents: "Riding Forward" for Black History Month

Regions and H.O.P.E. will launch the 2012 Black History Month Campaign – “Riding Forward” -- on Martin Luther King Jr. Day (January 16). This campaign celebrates the contributions of African Americans, past and present, that move us forward today. Regions is also proud to offer the Regions Riding Forward Scholarship.

Twenty-five $5,000 scholarships will be awarded to high school seniors
in Regions’ banking areas who will attend college this Fall.
Applicants will be asked to write a 500 word essay about an African
American, past or present, who has inspired them.

· The Regions and H.O.P.E. Riding Forward Scholarship Essay Contest begins January 15 and ends February 29. Contest details and full eligibility requirements are available. Copy and paste this link:

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Parade: "Remember! Celebrate! Act!

The 12th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Parade will be held on Monday, January 16, 2011 from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.

Parade participants will need to assemble at 11:15 a.m. at the intersection of E. Sevier & Center Street (Rikki Rhoton Allstate Insurance Co.'s Parking Lot).

The parade route will follow Center Street and end on Shelby Street (City Parking Lot between Kingsport City Hall & The Justice Center).

The theme is "REMEMBER! CELEBRATE! ACT! - A Day On, Not A Day Off.”

If you would like to enter a car, float, church/business van, bus, truck, other exhibits or take a 20 minute walk during lunch in the parade, please contact Elder-Elect Gwen Collins (TVFAR) at (423) 753-2345 or General Overseer Ronnie Collins (JGII) at (423) 956-0675 or email or

If you would like to contribute to the service activities from January 16-March 31, 2011 they are as follows: Butterball Turkey $10/family; Tools-For-School $7/child; or Diapers & Wipes $10/baby. Make your tax deductible contribution payable to: JGII, P.O. Box 3390, Kingsport, TN 37664-3390.

Parade sponsors include Eastman Chemical Company, Food City, Office Depot, Joshua Generation (JGII), My Brother's Keeper, Putting Babies First, H.O.P.E., & Upper East Tennessee Human Development Agency.

Please take time to help bring about positive change in the community in which we live and help us Change a Generation!

Ronnie W. Collins, Advanced Accountant
Eastman Chemical Company
Finance Controller - Corporate Functional Accounting & Analysis
Building 54D, 3rd Floor, Cubicle 3368
Phone: 423-229-4729, Ext. 4729
Fax: 423-224-7240


Friday, January 6, 2012

Kingsport Alternative School to be named after Cora R. Cox

A formal renaming ceremony likely will occur in August.



KINGSPORT — New Horizons School will have a new name come July, and it will honor one of Riverview's former outstanding residents.

The Kingsport Board of Education voted 7-0 Thursday night to approve a staff recommendation renaming the New Horizons alternative school the Cora Cox Academy effective July 1.

Mrs. Cox, originally from Camden, Arkansas, began her Kingsport teaching career at the former Douglass High School, eventually teaching second grade and special education, and after integration in 1966, she went on to teach at Ross N. Robinson and John Sevier Junior Highs.

At Johnson Elementary, as special education teacher, she was one of the first teachers of autistic children.

Mrs. Cox passed away in 1982.

The alternative school, currently named New Horizons, is considered a stand-alone school separate from Dobyns-Bennett High School.

The school in the future is to become more involved with homebound and distance/online learning, BOE President Randy Montgomery said.

BOE member Susan Lodal said a formal renaming ceremony likely would occur in August.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Kingsport's Crown Prince of Comedy: "I Feel Much Better"

You never know what to expect when you interview Tim Hall, Kingsport's Clown Prince of Comedy.

During a visit on Tuesday, January 3rd, the first thing he asked me? "Why are you here?"

He wrote it down, to make sure I knew what he said.

"I'm just like all the Riverview folk you talk about in your comedy routines," I replied. "And we all have one thing in common: 'We always look out for each other.'

This was no ordinary visit, and no ordinary interview. Tim had written his question down, because he was having trouble saying it out loud.

Our interview was at his bedside in the intensive care unit at the Johnson City Medical Center.

On Friday, December 30th, Tim had emergency surgery to remove tumors from his brain.

Three of them. And one in a very dangerous spot.

"It started about a month ago, right around Thanksgiving, Calvin," he remembers. "I was walking around a lot at work and I was getting real tired.. seemed like it was a labor just putting one foot in front of the other. I'd rest a few minutes, then work a few minutes and later, I was so tired I could hardly stand up."

Tim made the decision to have an MRI done. It was a decision that most likely, saved his life.

"The MRI showed 3 tumors on my brain, the largest about the size of a nickel," Tim says. "It was about where the top of my spinal cord was. That's why when I walked, I would get so tired."

3 brain tumors that weakened and temporarily sidelined a man, who's natural gift of comedy, was suddenly no laughing matter.

"It was very delicate surgery," says Tim's brother Donovan of Nashville, who stayed at his brother's bedside both during and after the operation. "Any time you're dealing with brain surgery, one wrong move and something bad could happen. But the doctor who performed the surgery told me he'd been doing this tyhpe of surgery for 16 years.. that he's done it so many times that he knows exactly what he is doing, and that everything should come out fine."

"The doctor did pretty much what he said he was going to do."

After the surgery, Donovan caught up with the doctor for a progress report on his older brother.

"He said everything went fine, that they'll continue to do some tests over the next few weeks and draw up some reports," he said. "Right now, he doesn't have to have any radiation or chemo-theerapy, and the test results will determine where we go from here. For now, he said 'we got everything.'"

The diagnosis that Tim even had tumors in the first place, stunned his family.


"Complete shock," says Donovan. "I mean, me and Tim talk every day, sometimes two or three times a day. We talk about health issues now.. things we never talked about growing up, but now that we're older, it just seems more important. He never mentioned that he was having weak spells, nothing about it at all. Nobody ever even suspected something this serious."

Donovan says, all of a sudden, Wednesday, just before the surgery, Tim called him.

"He said, 'I'm telling you this now.. that I'm going in Friday to have surgery. I wanted you to know that they found some tumors on my brain.' I'm like, 'wow.. you just now telling me this?' In what is Tim's way, he said the reason I'm telling you this now is that he didn't want to mess up everybody's holiday."

"Ton of bricks.. there is never a good time to tell anybody news like that."

But Tim Hall is a tough cookie. He isn't about to sit on the sidelines for long.

"I'm fine now, Calvin," he says. "I'm fine. I feel much better. God has taken care of me, and I feel much better."


For Tim, he'll have sessions with a speech therapist and also a physical therapist. That's where you notice the old Tim is still around.

"He gets techniques to practice getting his voice to stabilize, especially at night when nobody is listening," Donovan says. "The therapist told him 'it's something like singing, and we'll do the techniques like we are singing.' Tim was like 'well, just in case you don't know, I DO sing.' In only the way that Tim can say it, he said 'I DO know how to do that' and the therapist laughed out loud. It was pretty cool."

"That's how I knew Tim hadn't changed."

His brother says, Tim will spend a few days in the hospital, where everybody is encouraged to visit. He wants to save home for private time for the continued therapy he'll have to have over the next few weeks, so try to see him at the hospital.

Donovan says, the whole experience with his older brother is a wake-up call for anybody suffering with unknown symtoms of a bigger problem, or anybody who ever notices different behavior in a loved one.

"This is a good example of not letting your health get the better of you," he says, "because somebody close to you will notice that something is wrong. You can't hide it. If you feel bad, get it checked out. This is definitely an eye-opener for people who are suffering and don't see a doctor to find out why."

"Perhaps Tim's experience will encourage others to either see a doctor if they feel bad, or loved ones to ask if they notice something different about you."

The message Tim has to his family, friends, loved ones and his many fans is a simple one.

"Calvin, just tell them to pray for me," he says. "Just say a prayer for me. I've been way down, and I'm slowly pulling back ujp. Just pray for me. We all need prayer in our lives. In a few months, I'll be hahaha'ing again. Tell everybody not to forget about me, hahaha."

"But how could they forget? I tend to grow on people, hahaha."

Monday, January 2, 2012

Sons & Daughters of Douglass Begin New Year with New Bank Account


2012 is here, and with it comes a change for the way Sons and Daughters of Douglass, Inc. does business.

The change involves switching over to a new bank to handle the alumni association's business affairs.

The new bank is Green Bank.

"We opened up the new account at Green Bank," says president Virginia (Jenny) Hankins, "because the wife of one of our alumni (Frank Horton's wife, Dee Dee Horton) is an employee of Green Bank, and the bank has always supported our reunions. The bank we were using, has never supported our reunion with financial incentives in any way whatsoever."

"We, as a non-profit corporation, get better service, and there is a good possibility that we can get Green Bank to sponsor some of our reunion events. Also, Dee Dee is a professional event planner, who we hope will continue to support us."


"Once an organization receives financial support from a major corporation," Hankins continued, "it makes it easier to get support from others. I believe this is a good move for the Douglass High School alumni and their Board of Directors. We now have a personal connection with our new bank, and look forward to a wonderful relationship."