Saturday, March 29, 2014

Riverview Community Meeting on New Clay Hill Ballpark

The Riverview Community and residents of Kingsport are all invited to a community meeting this coming Thursday, April 3rd.

The purpose of the meeting is to view plans and drawings for the new ballfield sports facility for the area behind Dunbar Street known as "Clay Hill."

There will be maps at tables for people to look at, and representatives there to discuss questions with citizens.

The meeting will be from 5:30 PM to 7 PM in the Douglass Community Room at the V.O. Dobbins Sr. Complex, 301 Louis Street in Kingsport.

If you are interested in the project or have questions, please attend this important community meeting.

New Riverview Neighborhood Director: "Helping Out the Community is Most Important"


"Helping out the community is what it's all about."

With those words, Riverview's newest neighborhood director is ready to get down to business.

Johnnie Mae Swagerty is the new executive director of the non-profit South Central Kingsport Community Development Corporation, headquartered in Riverview.
Since 2000, South Central Kingsport has benefited human services in the city's lower-income neighborhoods, focusing on programs that help residents achieve economic, social, and financial goals. Swagerty has served as the organization's vice president for the past three years.  She replaces Jeannie Hodges, who has been the executive director since the agency started.

It's the person Swagerty has called "Miss Jeannie" for years.

"Miss Jeannie left some big shoes to fill," Swagerty says. "She was a go-getter. She did things on time, she did them accurately, she made sure everything was paid for, she made sure the kids in South Central-sponsored events always had a good time, she made sure all the vendors were taken care of. She made sure all the health and safety regulations were followed at events."

"She was the perfect executive director, and I'm working to keep that same level of perfection up."

Swagerty, who is also the director of the community's successful New Vision Youth program, says she is already working on activities for the seniors and the youth of the community to do this summer, aside from the New Vision Youth. South Central Kingsport Community Development has always partnered with New Vision Youth on programs, but Swagerty says, that organization will remain separate from South Central.

With the newness of the job, Swagerty says, she finds herself having to check with Hodges periodically on everything from organizing the agency's FunFest co-sponsorship, to simple office functions.

"Lordy, yes," she says. "The first day, she had to come down to the office. Me and the building alarm did not get along. She showed me how to work the alarm and how to deal with a bunch of keys.. which ones go where. She had to show me how to work the office phones, the cell phone, the office email."

"She's been my mentor. I would say 'Miss Jeannie, I need to know how to do this or that' and she'd say 'well let me see if I can get this or that for you.' She had resources that she could call at a moment's notice, and she has passed those on to me.' I had to to call her about FunFest, and the 'Rhythm-N-Riverview' event that we co-sponsor with other folks. Miss Jeannie made sure my application was filled out correctly for the band and the vendors," she says.

"Sometimes, if it wasn't for her and her husband Willie.. I would see them putting up or taking down tents, chairs and tables at sponsored events. Folks wonder why things go so smoothly sometimes, and it's because they took the time to make sure they were done right. You never heard them complain or fuss.. they just did it and worked through any problems they found."

"She had it down to a science. Not much could surprise her, because she had everything down to a finely tuned machine. She knew her stuff," Swagerty says.

"I still call Miss Jeannie for help.. I sure do."

By the way, Swagerty did finalize the plans for 'Rhythm-N-Riverview' for this year's FunFest. The event will be held on Monday, July 14, 2014, as always in the ballfield at the V.O. Dobbins, Sr. Complex in Kingsport. This year, the show band will be the Jay Storm Project of Knoxville. According to the band's bio, the Jay Storm Project is "fronted by Jaystorm – a Tennessee-native and rising favorite Southern bluesy, funk, hip-hop son – his latest musical incarnation as 'The Jaystorm Project.' The Jaystorm Project serves up a backing band and a booty-shakin’ style that accentuates his strong, but yet smooth delivery of slick witty lyrics and bluesy funk sound that is part Motown, part old school hip-hop, with an edge of rock which leaves you with total musical genius."

On that day from 3 to 5 PM, a familiar site will greet the children.. the Choo-Choo will chug its way around the ballfield and the nearby blocked-off Louis Street and MLK Drive. There will also be inflatables, face painting, and food vendors. Then, from 5 to 6:30 PM, Swagerty has organized a gospel fest with area choirs from around Kingsport, singing songs of praise. The New Vision Youth will present a program from 6:30 to 7 to get the crowd energized for the Jay Storm Project show that starts at 7:30.

"Rhythm-N-Riverview is South Central's biggest project every year," Swagerty says. "We try to get the entire Kingsport community to come together and just have a good time with music, different kinds of food, fellowship and entertainment. It's a good way to see old friends and make new friends."

In keeping with that, Swagerty herself is trying to make a new friend. Her new office at South Central Kingsport Community Development.

"I'm still learning the job," she says. "There are so many in's and out's to it. But I like meeting new people and helping folks who come in for assistance. I've been sending them to various resources in Kingsport, helping them get straightened out. Sometimes, it's a home, sometimes it's training for a new job, sometimes it's just somebody to talk to."

"So far, it's pretty enjoyable."


Thursday, March 27, 2014

Self esteem workshop offered

• New Vision Youth, in partnership with South Central of Kingsport Development and the Kingsport Parks and Recreation Department will present “Spring Break — Self Esteem Workshop Part II” on April 2 beginning at 10 a.m. in the Douglass Room of the V.O. Dobbins Community Complex, 301 Louis St., Kingsport.

Chaka Dorcean, CEO of the Dorcean Ministries International and teacher at the Cora Cox Academy, will be the guest speaker.

Following the morning session, a lunch of homemade spaghetti, bread, dessert and drinks will be served.

After lunch, school-age children will have the opportunity to participate in “Let’s Play Nitro Ball!”

For more information on this free event, call Johnnie Mae Swagerty at (423) 429-7553, Chassidy Smiley (423) 224-2428 or Tommy Wotherman, (423) 224-2489.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A Celebration for Squeaky

"For her to be only 4 feet, 11 inches tall.. a small frame.. and her mama's mouth.. she spoke her mind and you couldn't help, but love here."

That comment brought chuckles from the audience of people who attended a memorial service for Marion Harold, better known to the folks in Riverview as "Squeaky." She passed away on February 28, 2014, at the age of 53 and was buried in Newport News, VA, where she lived after Riverview.

The memorial service was held on Saturday, March 15th in the Riverview Community Room at the V.O. Dobbins Sr. Complex in Kingsport, Squeaky's hometown.

Donna (Steele) Loftin amused the group, reminiscing about the Squeaky we all knew growing up, talking about her brother Brian and her baby sister Tamela, also known to everybody as Tammy.

"Later on in life," Donna told the crowd, "Squeaky became the mother of Shemar and Jazmin and B-B.. you all remember when they used to run around here." She also drew a laugh when she mentioned that nobody ever knew B-B's real name.

"To me, Squeaky was good to kids," she said.. "always had a lollipop in her hand or in her mouth. Kids loved her for that, that's why they always clung to her. You always wondered, but them kids clung to her because they were trying to get that lollipop out of her mouth." That also drew a laugh from folks who loved and miss her.

Donna told the group of the legacy that people are supposed to leave behind when the Lord calls them home.

"Squeaky did something that the whole world needs to do, and that's show love," she said. "If you didn't know that or if you didn't love Squeaky, you wouldn't be here today at this service. Squeaky played a part in everybody's life in each of her 53 years. She left something for us to think about. There will be little things that we will see that are going to bring back good things that Squeaky did. That's part of her legacy when you look back. We are all here to leave a good legacy."

"If you look at it realistically or spiritually," she told the group, "something good comes out of all of our lives."

A highlight of the celebration of Squeaky's life, was when her friends and family stood up one by one, and gave testimonials of their experiences growing up with her. The tears flowed, and the remembrances were plentiful.

Donna also addressed the family, Squeaky's survivors.

"We want you to know that we all love you, as much as we loved Squeaky," she said. "We might not always have money, but we can always share love. Love goes a long way, when money is long gone. She touched the hearts of a lot of people. They say it takes a village to raise a child. Riverview was Squeaky's village. We need to spread her love from person to person."

"That is Squeaky's legacy and it is our legacy, too."


Created with flickr slideshow.

Friday, March 21, 2014

New Vision Youth Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser

New Vision Youth will hold a pancake breakfast from 8 to 10 a.m., at Applebee’s, East Stone Drive, Kingsport.

Cost is a $5 donation at the door.

All proceeds will benefit New Vision Youth’s educational trip to Atlanta, Ga., July 24-28.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Douglass Board Meeting: 2014 Alumni Dues Needed; Odds and Ends

The board meeting on Saturday, March 15, 2014 was convened by Alumni Association President Doug Releford. Present were Andra Watterson, Mickey Watterson, Ethel Ruth Russell, Kathy Evans, Wallace Ross, Jr., Shelia Leeper, Vickie Smith, and Calvin Sneed.

Alumni members are urged to make sure their addresses are current with the alumni office. If you live in an apartment, make sure we have your street address and an apartment number on file.  Please send current addresses to:  Sons and Daughters of Douglass, Ste. 104, 301 Louis Street, Kingsport, TN 37660

Doug talked with Dobyns-Bennett Band Director Lafe Cook, who thanked the Sons and Daughters of Douglass for their $500 contribution to the DB Band's trip to Pasadena and the Rose Bowl Parade. The school was able to take all the band members to play in the parade.. only one or two members were ill and could not make the trip.. other than that, everybody went. The city of Kingsport did not spend any money for the trip.. it was totally furnished by contributions like ours and donations.

Andra Watterson attended the V.O. Dobbins Sr. Complex's tenants meeting back on Feb. 14th. The building's tenants are encouraged to get to know their neighbors in the building, and any problems or concerns, contact Parks and Recreation, the administrators of the building. Make sure that all doors are locked at all times.. April 16th will be Good Friday.. the building will be closed to the public on that day for the Easter commemoration.

SPECIAL NOTE: People who owe money on the dishclothes are urged to pay their monies in full. During the alumni association dishclothes fundraiser, all 120 dishclothes were sold at $2.00 apiece, and some money is still outstanding. Discussed at the meeting, is a re-order of dishclothes since they seem to be popular items among the alumni who bought them.


Doug mentioned the Chamber of Commerce's monthly breakfast at Meadowview. Different companies sponsor a continential meet and greet just before the day's work begins. Any board members wanting to attend, can.

The Kingsport Chamber of Commerce's annual banquet was well represented by the Sons and Daughters of Douglass. Wallace Ross, Jr. commented on the really nice table provided for our group, which was located practically in the center of the banquet room at Meadowview. "We were blessed to have an excellent table location for the second year in a row," he reported to the group. Doug echoed that sentiment, that, "a small organization like ours was so honored. Our table was right next to WKPT-Holston Valley Broadcasting. The banquet was sold out, and a packed house. We met a lot of business executives who stopped by our table to say hello."

SPECIAL NOTE: 2014 alumni membership dues are due now. Dues are not going up this year, so all members are urged to send in their $25.00 membership fee in as soon as possible. Alumni who have memberships will note that they are good for this year, but please send in this year's dues. Our organization uses the dues for the operation of our office and programs.  Please send your 2014 dues to:  Sons and Daughters of Douglass, Ste. 104, 301 Louis Street, Kingsport, TN 37660.

Wallace asked that upcoming events be posted on the Douglass website calendar. Calvin said he would start listing events on the calendar.  Wallace also asked about viewing past pictures on the website, with the picture server asking for a password. Calvin said that because of the new pictures server the website was compelled to switch to, past picture albums from Webshots are having to be reloaded onto the new Flickr server one picture and one group at a time. Currently, there are between 8.000 and 9,000 pictures to be transferred over that date back from when the website began in late 2006 to early 2012, and the arduous task of reloading them has begun. An article to this effect was posted on the website last year to tell website readers about the switch, and the note was also emailed to alumni who subscribe to the website's mailing list.

Calvin also mentioned a new audio service that he is working on, in conjunction with Chassie Smiley, V.O. Dobbins administrator for the Kingsport Parks and Recreation Department, and the Kingsport Office of Cultural Arts. The project involves selecting noteworthy items, artifacts and areas of the V.O. Dobbins,Sr. Complex, also known as the Douglass Elementary/High School, and memorializing them them in audio recordings. Visitors to the building can call a local number, punch in the code at the particular item, and listen to the recording talking about that item or area. Items under consideration include the teacher's bench in the Dobbins courtyard, the bust of Frederick Douglass and the Douglass athletic trophies, in the Douglass Community Room, the old school gymnasium, the auditorium where the non-profit tower now stands, and other items and areas of the former school. The audio program is in use already at various sculptures around Kingsport, and now the idea is being instituted at V.O. Dobbins.

If you have pictures and news to share with the alumni and the Riverview Neighborhood, please email your items to:


Friday, March 14, 2014

Douglass Alumni Board Meeting On Saturday

The meeting of the Sons and Daughters of Douglass Alumni Board will meet in regular session on Saturday, March 15th at 1 PM.

The meeting will be held in the Eastman Conference Room of the V.O. Dobbins, Sr. Complex tower at 301 Louis Street.

All Board members are requested to attend, and those with business before the Board should step up and be heard!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Black History Month at the Nathanael Greene Museum

"Our children need to know that there is more than one heritage within them."

Every two years, Johnnie Mae Swagerty brings a busload of the New Vision Youth to the Nathanael Greene Museum in Greeneville, Tennessee, to educate them on African-American history they might not know about. While in the process, the youth also learn about the role that Greene County played in the history of East Tennessee, Tennessee, and through Greene County native and President Andrew Johnson.. the United States as well.

"It gives the kids encouragement to know where they're from," Swagerty says. "Through the exhibits, they get to feel the dignity and pride that people struggled to achieve over the years. This really gives them an education and spurs their thoughts about being somebody."

During African-American History Month, visitors to the museum can peruse the Paths to Freedom display, and a special gallery that focuses on contributions by the county's African-Americans.

"Greene County was one of the counties where there were a lot of free African-Americans prior to the Civil War," says museum office manager Barbara Lawrence. "We are proud of that. Greene County was mostly Union during the way, not like a lot of the rest of the state."

Many historical items from churches and Greene County's former African-American school, George Clem High School, are also on display.

The Nathanael Greene Museum has been around just over 30 years, and in that time, has quickly become a respository for artifacts and collectibles that are native to the area and to time periods in Greene County. "The museum started with just one room and we quickly outgrew that," says Lawrence. "We get a lot of people donating many items that we always keep a record of," she says, opening files of names and donated merchandise native to Greene County.

"Last year, we had 71 donations," she says, "and so far this year, we've had 10. We could easily move into a larger building. Sometimes we have to turn down donations, because we don't have the room."

This would have been just some old milk jug, perhaps hidden in someone's closet, sitting dusty on a back porch, or even half-buried in the ground. Instead, someone cleaned it up, polished it, and donated it to the museum, now held proudly by Lawrence.

"According to the markings on it, this bottle is from the Sanitary Milk Company of Greeneville, Tennessee, right here in our backyard," she says. "Somebody thought enough of it to donate it to us so that others could be witness to the history of a business that our ancestors knew very well. The business is long gone, but its heritage is not forgotten."

Kids from the New Vision Youth took a brief tour when they arrived at the museum just to get familiar with items and exhibits that piqued their interest. Then after an assembly and discussion period where their individual imaginations were stimulated with input, the group embarked on a closer, more indepth tour that prompted question after question about what they were looking at and its place in history.

They were able to see exhibits featuring Greeneville's Main Street, as it was many years ago. Store fronts introduce them to miniature inside galleries, complete with furniture, food products, pictures, paintings and other items the stores used to sell. For space purposes, the exhibits are down to just a few square feet, but if one narrows their focus, the result is a quaint, big-city feel, in a small-town atmosphere.

Other exhibits feature items for the kitchen like a wringer washing machine, washboards, ice boxes (we call them refrigerators now), cupboards, wooden kitchen tables, utensils.. things considered antique these days, but thought of as modern 100 years ago. The item that commanded the most attention was a stove with a porcelain top. A note on the top of it, reminded students of the Depression years of their ancestors, when folks were glad to just have enough food to survive a good meal.

The Magnavox plant was one of Greene County's largest employers during the electronics boom of the 70's and 80's. An exhibit in the Greene Museum featuring Magnavox, Sylvania and Philco Consumer electronics products fills one room with products made by Greene County residents.

That display immediately got the attention of the New Vision Youth kids. Being born and raised in the digital age, none of them were familiar with things like record players, small analog black-and-white TV sets, console stereos, video disc players, floor model color TV's, and even AM/FM radios! Their questions about the items and the time period they were used, just came one right after the other.

Early Greene County farm implements from the 19th and early 20th-century comprised several exhibits, and the kids were intrigued at how the farm machinery played an important role in where food came from.. even other important commodities important to the county's economy, like tobacco products. Plows, tillers, dividers and other farm items were readily recognizable by the New Vision chaperones, but to the kids.. they were just iron and bent pieces of metal.

Also of interest, was the museum's collection of antiques, living room, dining room and bedroom furniture. Although they resembled items found in modern-day households, these items' bulk, girth and inflexibility produced a few chuckles among the New Vision visitors.

That was most evident in the room dedicated to native son Andrew Johnson, the 17th President of the United States. Many items not already on display at the nearby Johnson National Historic Site, can be found at the Nathanael Greene Museum.

The Nathanael Greene Museum is open Tuesday through Saturday, from 11 AM to 5 PM. Admission is three dollars for adults, and two dollars for students.

"It's important for people in a community to know where they came from," says Greene Museum office manager Barbara Lawrence. "Most people don't know how much history is in Greene County, even African-American history."

Swagerty herself has a link to Greene County's history. Her family is tied to Andrew Johnson's heritage.

"My great-grandmother was the nanny to Andrew Johnson's granddaughter here in Greene County," she proudly proclaims. "In my family, we have a pitcher that he used to drink from.. we also have the skillet and the main bowl used in the Johnson family kitchen for meals. Both were passed on down to my mother Geraldine Swagerty. That's our little link to history."

"It's good to know that everybody has a heritage somewhere," she says. "That's what we want the kids to know."

"It's something to be proud of."


Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

'Blade Runner' Murder Trial From His Kingsport Competitor: "It is Sad to See Him in This Situation"


For the longest time, only one man stood in the way of para-athlete Blake Leeper of Kingsport.

The one man whose running speed was just a little faster.

"Oscar Pistorius is a mixed feeling for me right now," said Leeper during a recent interview. "He was the biggest obstacle in my path and a tremendous competitor. "It is sad to see him in the light that he is in right now."

Dissgraced Olympic athlete Oscar Pistorius is on trial in Pretoria, South Africa, on four charges -- including premeditated murder -- in the shooting death of his girlfriend.

Pistorius, the double-amputee "Blade Runner" who became the first Paralympian to compete with able-bodied athletes, shot and killed his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp on Valentine's Day 2013.

While his prosecutors are claiming he acted with murderous intent, Pistorius insists it was a case of mistaken identity. He argues that he acted in self-defense after mistaking Steenkamp for an intruder.


Pistorius is a long away from the track that made him famous. That fact has not escaped his number one competitor.

"Yeah, he was number one, I was number two," Blake says. "Yeah, we battled. But when the blades came off.. once we stepped off the track, he was a human being. Seeing him now with his head hung down, is sad because he and I both were trying to change lives. We were trying to show amputees that they, too, mattered.. they could compete, they could accomplish something that seems impossible. My doctors told me I would never walk, and here I am today."

 Leeper says, he was always moved by what happened after his races against Pistorius, as much as during the races.

"Once we stepped off the track, there would be little kids with disabilities that would come up to both of us and ask for autographs. There would be kids in wheelchairs that would come up and thank us for what we were doing."

"Both of us... together," Blake remembers. "Once I realized that they were coming up to both of us. It made me realize that, wow do have a bigger mission and it was not just about the competition between us. It was the friendship, too."

For a while as he was gaining confidence, he was content to be in the shadow of Oscar Pistorius.

"Maybe his current situation, was a sign that I needed to stop riding his coattails," he says. "He was blazing a path and I was going to follow and once he got done, I was going to take his thing and do it better. I was OK with that. But now that he's dealing with the situation that he's in, then it was like 'Blake.. wake up. It's your turn now.' Actually, I wasn't prepared for it.. in my heart, I wasn't ready yet. That's how life does you. It's just one more life lesson that you have to learn the hard way. When it's your time, you have to act on it. I had to put the 'Number Two Mindset' down and pick up the 'Number One Mindset.' Itnstead of two of us now being in both the Olympics and Paralympics in certain races, there is just going to be one of us. It is hard for me and my fellow para-athletes, but at the end of the day, all I can do as a runner and as an athlete and as a Christian, is just go out there and give it my all and try to change as many lives as I can, just like Oscar and I did."

"It's just bad that my time to move up, had to come at the expense of what happened to him."


Leeper says, the two actually had a great friendship. He remembers one time after a race when the cameras went away, and the writers went off to report on the race they had competed in, he saw a side to the "Blade Runner" nobody had ever seen.

"We sat down and he went out of his way to share things," he says. "He wanted to make sure I had the right connections in the business we call running.. he wanted to make sure I had the right information. That was special. A lot of competitors will not try to share things like sponsor information, but he sat me down, looked right into my eyes and said 'hey man, don't worry about it.. there are enough sponsors to go around for all of us.' For him to do that, to say that, it was huge for me. The way he treated me and the other para-athletes was very humbling and respectful."


Leeper does wish his former main competitor the best.

""Every day, I pray because I don't want anybody to go through what Oscar is having to go through," he says. "Seeing him in tears, seeing him being dragged down.. you can tell that he is very remorseful and I can say that because I know him. Nobody else can believe that, but I can't help the way I feel. We all make mistakes and he will have to ask God for forgiveness, and that's between him and the Lord. All I can do is be a supporter of his and still be his friend. I'm not here to judge him, I'm just here to be his friend."

Blake says, he wants his friends and supporters to have that same attitude.

"Just pray for both sides, his and his wife's family," he says. "He knows I am here for him if he needs support. His legacy is tarnished, but I hope people don't forget his legacy because he changed a lot of lives. He set the bar high, and I respect that. That's what I love about Oscar.. he was doing something above average."

"He's just like me. He wanted to be the best runner in the world."


Monday, March 3, 2014

An Honorarium to the Self-Made in Riverview for Black History Month

Growing up, we all remember stores in Riverview and people who provided goods and services when it seemed that we could not shop in the white establishments of Kingsport back in the day.

This list and the goods and services provided, are evidence that, back in the day, Riverview was a self-contained community. While our major wage earners were toiling away at Tennessee Eastman, Kingsport Press, Mead, Borden Mills (J.P. Stevens), Holliston Mills, Holston Valley Community Hospital, and the various white retail stores in Kingsport... many of our OWN people provided our own community with goods and services. Once you see the list, you'll see that, as residents, we wanted for nothing in our neighborhood.

It took 8 virtues as defined by Webster's Dictionary, to bravely offer services to our Riverview neighborhood:

SERVICE: an act of helpful activity: the ability, coming from one's knowledge, practice, aptitude, etc., to do something well.

SKILL: the ability, coming from one's knowledge, practice, and aptitude, to do something well.

ENTREPRENEURSHIP: a person who organizes and manages any enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk.

AMBITION: an earnest desire for some type of achievement or distinction, and the willingness to strive for its attainment.

TALENT: a special natural ability or aptitude.

DEDICATION: wholly committed to something, as to an ideal cause, or personal goal.

DREAM: a strong desire, longing, or aim; ambition.

SURVIVAL: The single, most important word that helped our Riverview business people - to get along or remain healthy, happy, and unaffected in spite of some occurrence (as in not being able to shop or frequent Kingsport's white retailers).


Since we had our own school, the following people offered goods and services to the Riverview Community so much so, that if we didn't want to go outside our community, we didn't have to.

May the Lord bless these brave souls!

Rev. C.E. & Bertha Edge
Paul Taylor
John Cox
Mose McKnight
Emmitt & Hattie Collins
Grace & Elic Gilmore

Jason & Nora Mae Taylor
Karen Schofield
James Swafford, Sr.
James Swafford, Jr.
The Kenshaw's
George Fortune

The Swagerty's (wigs, hair products, jewelry)
Linda & Charles Wade
Jimmy Carnes

Edgar McClintock

Mrs. Tillie Trammell
Louise Horton
Eloise Long
Cora Cox
Ethel Daniels
Hazel Lindsey
Ernestine Coward (also did hair for Curry Funeral Home)

Veronica Pageant

Vollie Hickman
Oscar McClintock
George McMiller, Jr.
Dan Greene
Lee Walton
Jerome Pierce, Sr.

Ed Robinson
James Skaggs
Jams Edward McClintock
Mr. McLemore
Fred Comage

Bron Long

Horace P. Sneed
Horace M. Sneed

Jim & Ella Stafford
V.O. Dobbins
Rev. C.E. & Bertha Edge
Emmitt & Hattie Collins
Leola Allen
Mrs. Montrose
George Fortune
Edgar McClintock

James Stevenson
C.C. Kizer
Lyons and Son Construction
Vincent Maxwell Concrete
Leeper's Concrete Company, Clifford Leeper

Isom Smith
Luther Hardy

Ethel Daniels (piano)

Lucille Watterson

Sara Whelchel
Rev. William Stokley

George Hodge

Homer King
Harvey Wilmer

Steve Machen

R.C. Lyons

Brownie McGhee
Stick McGhee
Kenneth Springs
Donald Flack
Marshall Davis
Arthur Flack
Rudolph Hall
Charles "Sonny" Sanders
Henry Summers
Joe Manuel
Bobby Hoard
Mack Flack
Fletcher Hutchinson

Rev. Turner family

Willard Long, Sr.
Ron Collins
Paul Smith

Dr. Sanders
Dr. Frances
Dr. Faust
Dr. Massengill
Dr. Todd

Will McClintock

Linda and Jerry Mason

Horace V. Curry
The Rolans

Jim Fanny
Mack Stafford