Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Douglass Reunion Committee Meeting, January 27, 2007 and Upcoming Kingsport Times-News Article

Folks who don't attend the Douglass Reunion Committee meetings at St. Marks's Methodist Church are really missing some good times and a lot of fun.

We all got together on Saturday, January 27th to talk over a little business, and get the flyers mailed out officially announcing the Reunion to everybody on the Alumni Association mailing list. Photos from the meeting are in the PHOTOS Section, under "Douglass Reunion Committee Meeting, Jan. 27th." Be sure to read the captions under the pics. The pictures say it all.. a committee of friends and neighbors gathering to get the word out about the 2007 Reunion: "It's A Great Time To Come Home!" Afterwards, Prez Louetta Hall had snacks for us, and some diets went right out the window.

I've got a new digital camera now and our website now has a new picture server that accepts many more pictures.. again, just click on the meeting pictures to read the captions underneath.. they're a riot!
We got everything ready, so watch your mailboxes for the flyer.. fill out the registration form and get it back in soon.

Also, the Kingsport Times-News is doing a story on the Douglass Alumni Association, the Reunion and your Douglass Alumni Association Website. The photos from the photo shoot are also in the PHOTOS section under "Kingsport Times-News Photo Shoot." Page One of that photo section will show the Committee soaking in the atmosphere of Douglass inside the main hallway. Page 2 of that photo section is the Times-News Photo Shoot.. We had a great time with that, too. Not able to be present for the photo shoot were Douglas Releford, Vicky Smith (who holds an elected position with the Douglass Alumni Association) and Judy Phillips. These folks are very productive members of the Douglass Reunion Committee and the Alumni Association, and should not be forgotten for their contributions. Our thanks to Times-News reporter Jim McGuiness and photographer Ned Jilton II for their time and attention to the Douglass Alumni Association and the Douglass Website.

NEXT DOUGLASS ALUMNI REUNION COMMITTEE MEETING: Saturday, February 24, 2007, at 1 PM, in the Fellowship Hall at St. Mark's. EVERYBODY WELCOME!