Wednesday, January 31, 2007

A Special Note To All From Yvonne Reese Williams

A Special Note To All From Yvonne Reese Williams:

I'm just so proud to come share in the Douglas Renunion Celebration for it allows me to reflect on my past, and Thank God for the present. I don't ever want to forget my roots nor from where I've come from. If it wasn't for Mrs. L. Allen, Dr. Helen Styles taking me under their wings teaching me how to organize and preside over meetings, and if it wasn't for Mrs. Pinkie Horton, I wouldn't being playing the piano in Churches today. She use to sit on the piano stool in order for me to play at Central. Come April 8th, 2007 I've been a Church musician now for 40 years. I don't ever want to rise too high that I forget where I got my start. I'm very much appreciative of having the opportunity to come share in such a wonderful celebration of the past. I must say hats off to the organizers for getting and keeping this renunion going. I look forward to attending these renunions.Blessing until we meet again.

Yvonne {Von} Reese Williams