Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Douglass Shelters Help You "Weather The Storm"



Planning for the future. And you've got to start somewhere.
That seems to be the theme for the two new picnic open-air shelters you've seen in the Douglass Ball Field.
Located between the Riverview Splash Pad and the V.O. Dobbins Community Center, the new shelters offer protection from the elements, while patrons can enjoy picnics, reunions, meetings, and get-togethers.
The shelters are a gift from the Kingsport Rotary Club and Eastman Chemical.. the organization and the business split the $35,000 cost of building the two structures in the Douglass Ball Field. They're made of aluminum roofs, resting on steel posts, on two separate concrete pads. The Rotary Club provided the labor to build them free of charge, and Rotarians are also purchasing grills, picnic tables and benches for both shelters to be installed soon. Trees and some landscaping are also planned for both.
The new open-air shelters are free to use for various activities, but to make sure there's one available for your use, Kingsport Parks and Recreation recommends that you call the department and make a reservation a few days in advance, just to be on the safe side. Call Parks and Rec to reserve a shelter at 423-229-9457.
With the Riverview Apartments Redevelopment project about to begin, plus the beautiful renovations planned for our historic Douglass School building, Riverview and South Central Kingsport will soon become a model for other neighborhoods in the city to rejuvenate their OWN areas, but also the envy of other cities in Upper East Tennessee looking to revitalize THEIR particular areas.