Monday, July 9, 2007

Good News About Kingsport!


Greetings! Many of you have been receiving "good news" emails about the greater Kingsport community since 2001. I find it hard to believe that I've been doing it this long. When I embarked upon this grand experiment, my goal was to find one nice thing to say about our community each day. I've reduced it from 7 days a week to more like 4 or 5 (just to keep from wearing everyone out). That's not to say there aren't enough good things to report, but we all need a little break from time to time. There are more than 2,100 people that have subscribed to receive this email and an untold number of forwards to family members, friends, and business contacts who receive forwards or referrals. I am now embarking on a new chapter by using MailMonster, a local permission-marketing e-mail service based right here in Kingsport. Bowen Scott, my high school classmate, is the owner and he has graciously offered to help me take my little email service to the next level. (He could help you, too!

Jeff Fleming