Monday, February 25, 2008

Curry In Hospital; Condition Uncertain

Longtime Riverview resident Horace V. Curry is in the hospital in Chattanooga, with an unknown illness.

Curry, who lives in Chattanooga, was admitted to Parkridge Medical Center a few days ago.. he is in the Medical Intensive Care Unit (M.I.C.U).

His room in the M.I.C.U is sterile-free, and when I visited him, I was required to put on rubber gloves, a nose and mouth mask, and a sterility gown. The door is inside a vacuum-compressed chamber that has to be zipped and unzipped upon entering or leaving.

Curry is in good spirits, although it is difficult for him to speak clearly. He clearly knew who I was, though.

We talked about how he's doing ("getting better," he says) and how good the nurses are taking care of him ("pretty good" was the response). When I told him they'd torn down all the Riverview Apartments for the new HOPE VI development, he said "now Calvin.. how in the world are they gonna get all those people back in there?" I said, "many of them are supposed to be moving back when the new homes are built."

"I hope so," he replied.

Right now, Curry can only have two visitors, and the hours in the M.I.C.U are from 5 to 5:20 PM and from 9 to 9:20 PM daily, and he seems happy to have visitors. Flowers and plants are not permitted in the unit, but he can have get-well cards.

If you'd like to send him a card, send it to:

Horace V. Curry
c/o Parkridge Medical Center
2333 McCallie Avenue
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37404