Friday, February 15, 2008

Douglass-Riverview Videos with the Adobe Flash Player

We don't get a lot of hits to the videos in the PHOTO GALLERY on your website, and it's probably because folks don't know how to access the Flash Player. Most new computers automatically come with the Flash Player (it's easier to access than Windows Media and cheaper than Real Player). It's the video version of the Adobe PDF written program, and it's very good with quick and easy videos. To get the Adobe Flash Player installed on your computer:

1. Go to
2. Then, click on "downloads" in the menu row.
3. Then, click on the link "Get Adobe Flash Player." (it's
the red tag link on the right, with a scripted "F."
4. Then, click on "Install."

Just follow the instructions once you've gotten that far.

I think a lot of folks are missing out on videos that will really take you to the scene of some memorable moments in our community, because they don't have the Flash Player. Please download it; it doesn't take up much memory, and it will also help you get other videos from other websites, too. If you have any questions, please let me know.
