Monday, October 20, 2008

Riverview Residents, Current and Former, Can Pick the Name of the HOPE VI Homes

No doubt, in the proposed Riverview re-zoning article below, you saw the new HOPE VI development referred to as the "Village Edge."

Not to panic. That is not the final name of the development.

It is called that right now, because the Kingsport Housing and Redevelopment Authority has to call it something, whenever the HOPE VI people talk to the federal government about the project.

The KHRA is still giving the people of Riverview the opportunity to name the new HOPE VI homes development that will be built where the Historic Rivervew Apartments once stood.

The name "Riverview Apartments" has stood for many years, and many people have made it known that they believe the word "Riverview" needs to be part of the new name. At several meetings in the past, they have cited the history and heritage of that name, that stretches from the time Ms. Bessie Hipps first suggested it back in the late 1930's, through good times and bad, to now, because it is a name that held the community together for many years.

Several weeks ago, I sent out a request for names from people in the neighborhood, people who formerly lived in the Apartments, and people who are moving back when the new homes are built. This is not a final list, and the KHRA is still open to suggestion. If you'd like to vote for one of the names below, or if you have a name you'd like to suggest, please send it to:

Submitted names are, with the number of votes:

Riverview Place (9)

Riverview Estates (4)

The Gates at Riverview (with the spirit of a new gateway of change) (1)

Riverview Crossing (with the spirit of crossing over to a new era) (1)

Riverview Legacy Homes (1)

Douglass Village (Using Douglass retains heritage, but also gives fresh spirit to the community) (1)

Riverview-Douglass Legacy Homes (1)

The Legacy Homes @ Riverview (1)

Riverview - "A Good Place To Come Home" (1)

Riverview Village (1)

Riverview Commons (1)

The View (1)

Riverview Douglass Homes (1)


Please be a part of the heritage and legacy of our community.
Vote for one of the above, or send me a name that we can circulate.
The email again is: