Sunday, December 14, 2008

Douglass Alumni Trustee Board Meeting, 12/13/08

After reading of minutes from the last meeting, and their approval, trustees of the Douglass Alumni Association began discussing new businesson the upcoming reunion, various discounts at Meadowview the Douglass Alumni Association might qualify for. That idea is being checked into.

The financial report including various dues that folks have paid for the reunion registration, past due amounts from some members that they were bringing up to date, which confused treasurer Sandy Wilmer. It was decided that, rather than folks just paying money without designating where it's going, they need to keep a list themselves and turn that over to the treasury along with the monies, so that our treasurer will be able to keep a better account of what they want their money to go to.

Several titles were suggested and bounced around, as themes for the upcoming reunion.
"New Beginnings"
"What's Old is New Again"
"Moving Ahead With the Change"
"It's Now or Never"
"The Time for Change is Now"

After sometimes humorous debate, trustees decided on "The Time For Change is Now." Members voted and approved the slogan for Reunion '09.

Trustee Board Member Calvin Sneed told the group about the upcoming Dobbins Center /Douglass School renovation, which begins with the demolition of the historic Douglass Auditorium. Members were told of a plan to have two celebrations, one to be held indoors on January 10, 2009 at 12 Noon, that would be a program of music, speeches, and video presentations that commemorate the school building itself. The other celebration, an outdoor one because the inside of the building would be off-limits at that point, would be just a short program because of the cold, then the construction company chosen by the city would begin demolition. The date for that one would be announced later. Trustee Board Member Peaches Bly questioned why there needed to be a ceremony, since there had already been one for the former Riverview Apartments. Calvin said it would be a good idea to get the community together for the beginning of a significant event in the neighborhood. Peaches asked why there needed to be two ceremonies, and the need was explained that one would be to let the community in the auditorium for what would be the last time, and the other for the actual demolition, because at that point, no one would be allowed inside the building. Alumni President Doug Releford said, since any ceremony would not cost the Alumni Association anything and no one is compelled to attend either event, the Trustee Board would support both ceremonies.

Trustee Board Member Louetta Hall brought by a nice fountain pen that could be embossed with the Douglass High School name, that could be purchased by the Association as gifts to put in the souvenir grab bag that is given to folks who register for the reunion. After discussion, the Trustee Board voted to purchase blue pens to give away free, then sell matching gold pens, since our Douglass School colors are blue and gold.

At the last meeting, trustee board members had tabled a motion for discussion on raising the Alumni membership dues again, until more board members could be present. After discussion, the board decided to leave the increase as passed at the last meeting. Membership dues for two years will be 25 dollars, up from 15 dollars. Those dues are payable at any time, but will be included in the cost of registrating for the upcoming reunion, of which that cost is 100 dollars per person.. total cost: $125.00 per person.

Another all-points-bulletin has been issued for Trustee Board member George Smith, because items involving the Memorial Scholarship Golf Tournament need to be discussed and finalized. No one has seen or talked to him, so it's thought that perhaps another golfing enthusiast could be found to spearhead the golf tournament, unless George is located. All golfers are now required to purchase a Reunion shirt, if they hadn't already registered for the Reunion itself, of which a shirt is automatically included. The types of shirts will be discussed at the next meeting.

Board member Peaches Bly had questions about whether the Dobbins/Douglass renovations would affect activities on Field Day, July 4th. Board member Calvin Sneed said that he's gotten no indication from the city, that construction and renovation work mostly likely will not affect activities and programs planned for the Douglass Ballfield.

A committee has also been formed to come up with a really nice Reunion commemorative booklet for the Reunion, with pictures and information.

The meeting adjourned to a pot luck lunch.

NEXT MEETING: Saturday, January 25, 2008. Time and place TBA