Saturday, June 20, 2009

Douglass Alumni Association Trustee Board Meeting Minutes: 6/19/09

Douglass Releford, Andra Watterson, Sandra Wilmer, Thelma Watterson, Linda Bly, Ozine Bly, Lillian Leeper, Ethel Russell, Pamela Sensabaugh, Louetta Hall, Judy Phillips, Wallace W. Ross, Jr.

Meeting was called to order by President Douglas Releford.

Prayer by Chaplin Ethel Russell

Everyone was asked to look over the minutes of the last meeting. Motion to accept the minutes were made by Louetta Hall, second by Pamela Sensabaugh with the necessary corrections. Motion carried.

Old Business:

Louetta Hall talked about the tent for field day, she asked for permission from the board to carry through. She also stated that the pens are in and the cost was $195.32including shipping. Sandra Wilmer wrote Louetta a check for the balance.

The final print for the Souvenir Booklet is June 27, 2009.

Sandra Wilmer asked if all the vehicles were lined up for the 4th of July Parade. She wanted to know if time has been set aside to decorate the vehicles.

Douglas Releford asked Louetta if she could set aside a time to meet and go over the finalities.

Financial Report by Treasurer Sandra Wilmer. She stated that she deposited $1,225 that brings the total to $7,437.64. Motion to accept the financial report was made by Andra Watterson second by Pamela Sensabaugh. Motion carried.

Linda Bly gave an update on the Ad-Booklet. Ricky Hancock was unable to attend due to other obligations. She stated that she has received nineteen-full page ads, seven- ¼ page ads, eleven -½ page ads and six- 1/8 page ads. She did not have a total amount of the ads she has received.

Douglas Releford stated that Ricky Hancock needs to have a copy of the booklet June 27, 2009.

Wallace W. Ross, JR. stated that people were asking him if they could pay $60 and only come to the banquet; he was told that if they are non-alumni members they can only pay for the banquet.

Ethel Russell asked if there were any vacancies left at the convention center. Andra Watterson stated that 35 rooms were reserved and they have all been taken.

Lillian Leeper stated that there was 4 scholarship applications.
One applicant received $500 and the remaining three received $300 each. She also stated that the Scholarship Committee was in the process of setting up new guidelines.

Douglas Releford stated that George Smith hasn't received any applications for the Golf Tournament therefore, the Golf Tournament has been cancelled.

Adjournment was made by Linda Bly second by Pamela Sensabaugh.

Next meeting will be June 27, 2009 at St. Mark United Methodist Church @1:00pm.

Respectfully Submitted

Thelma Watterson, Recording Secretary