Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Elks Lodge Pig Roast

Many Riverview residents happily "got on the pig" on Saturday, May 30th..


The Clinch Mountain Elks Lodge #531 united the community by hosting a pig roast at the lodge on Lincoln/Martin Luther King Drive in Kingsport, featuring Arnold the Pig.. well, maybe not Arnold THE Pig, but a roasted one reminiscent of the old, down-home pig roast festivals of times past.

"This pig roast is one of several fundraisers we have in the community," says Phillip Trammell, Jr., one of the 531's newest members. "We helped with the Easter Egg Hunt this year.. tonight, we're bringing our members to fellowship with our brothers from Chattanooga, Knoxville and Oak Ridge at the 'Stepping Out In White' Banquet (more on that coming up in a separate story), and next Saturday, we're hosting the Graduation Prom for the New Vision Youth and neighborhood teenagers."

There was a steady stream of traffic at the lodge all day.. folks coming by and getting a barbeque plate. Phillip and his father Phillip Senior of Rogersville, served up tender, pulled pork straight off the bones. Along with cole slaw and baked beans, you couldn't beat a dinner for 8 bucks, plus the money is really a donation to the various programs the local Elks Lodge do in the Riverview-South Central community.

And late word, brings good news! If you missed out on the Pig Roast, not to worry. The Elks did not sell out of barbeque (it WAS a pretty big pig, and what was left was frozen for near-future sales). You'll still get a chance to sample some great barbeque and help out our neighbors the Elks, in the near future, when the Pig Roast is continued.

Watch for the new barbeque schedule in an update right here in the NEWS AND CURRENT EVENTS section of your Douglass Website!