Monday, August 24, 2009

Douglass Working Board Meeting Minutes, 8/22/09

August 22, 2009

Those in attendance:

Virginia Hankins, Andra Watterson, Sandra Wilmer, Lillian Leeper, Ozine Bly, Kathy Evans, Ruth Russell, Frank Horton, Roberta Lanauze, Donald Hickman, Pamela Sensabaugh, Douglas Releford, Van Dobbins, JR, Calvin Sneed, Wallace W. Ross, JR, Dawnella Ellis, Linda Bly, Judy Phillips, Joy Hankins, Sonya Sneed.

Meeting was called to order by Calvin Sneed, prayer by Ruth Russell.

Minutes of the last meeting were read, motion to accept the reading if the minutes with the necessary corrections was made by Sandra Wilmer, second by Andra Watterson. MOTION CARRIED.

Calvin Sneed made a motion to accept Roberts Rules of Order as our Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) of the Douglass Alumni Board was approved by a show of hands, second by Frank Horton. MOTION CARRIED.

Election of Executive Board Officers done on June 27th was upheld by Roberts Rules of Order, that revealed two conflicting sets of election rules in the by-laws. Executive Board Officers, plus two permanent officers elected on that day, were affirmed as being in office.

Donald Hickman asked by which article was the election of officers held. Question does the association want to keep Article 8 Section 2 and elect officers at the bi-annual association meeting in July or before the reunion banquet, which section should we keep. We need to resolve this issue before we go on. Donald made a motion to adopt NEW Article 9 and eliminate the two OLD conflicting election by-laws. By a show of hands, MOTION CARRIED.

Calvin Sneed stated that on August 1, 2009 Douglas Releford resigned as president of the Douglass Alumni Board, but since there was not a vote to accept his resignation per Roberts Rules of Order, Douglas was asked by Calvin Sneed if he rescinds his resignation, no motion needed. Douglas said yes. At this point the Meeting was turned over to Douglas.



To establish a three-tier system of the Douglass Alumni Association.
FIRST TIER: Executive Officers.
SECOND TIER: Working Board of Directors.
THIRD TIER: Douglass Alumni members.

Douglass Alumni members in good standing are allowed to vote for Executive Officers. Douglass Alumni members in good standing are allowed to attend meetings of the Working Board of Directors and can vote on matters before the Working Board, along with, and can discuss matters alongside, the Working Board of Directors. MOTION by Don Hickman, SECOND by Roberta Webb. MOTION CARRIES, 1 abstention.

MOTION TO ACCEPT ARTICLE IV, SECTION 2 (OLD BY-LAWS): "The dues for membership in the Association shall be an amount determined by a majority vote of the governing trustee Board of Director (also known as the Working Board of Directors), that reflects the financial needs, goals and urposes of the Association to conduct its business. The dtate for said dues to be paid, shall also be determined by a majority vote of the governing Trustee Working Board of Directors. Dues shall not be applied toward payment of Reunion Registration fees. MOTION MADE TO ACCEPT, Don Hickman, SECOND, Andra Watterson. MOTION CARRIED (unanimous).

MOTION TO RETAIN ARTICLE IX, SECTION 3: "The Financial Secretary shall be responsible for disbursement of monies to pay all bills, fees, etc of the Association. He/She shall make written or typed of disbursements for each regular meeting to the Association. He/She shall keep a record and receipts of all monies disbursed. A majority of the body may call for a special report." MOTION MADE TO KEEP, Sandy Wilmer, SECOND, Roberta Webb. MOTION CARRIED (unanimous)

MOTION TO RETAIN ARTICLE IV, SECTION 4: "The Treasurer shall be custodian of the Association funds. The Treasurer shall keep up=-to-date financial records of bank statements, money disbursed to financial the Financial Secretary to pay bills, fees, etc. He/She shall make an annual written or typed report to the Association. The majority of the body may call for a special report." MOTION MADE TO KEEP, Sandy Wilmer, SECOND, Roberta Webb. MOTION CARRIED (unanimous).


MOTION TO CHANGE THE NAME OF ARTICLE VII, SECTION 3: Banquet Committee to Event-Planning Committee. Duties remain the same. Motion also deletes the Planning Committee in Section 5 and moves its functions under Event-Planning Committee. MOTION TO CHANGE, Virginia Hankins, SECOND, Doug Releford. MOTION CARRIED (unanimous).

MOTION TO RENAME ARTICLE VII, SECTION 6: Endowment Committee is now Scholarship Committee. Addition to 2 Requirements for Candidates Applying for Scholarships--Number 3 addition reads "The Scholarship Committee exercises the right to review each candidate's suitability for scholarship application." AMENDMENT: Scholarship Committee will include a date to receive applications from applicants. MOTION TO RENAME AND INCLUDE ADDITION, Doug Releford, SECOND, Andra Watterson. MOTION CARRIED BY MAJORITY VOTE, 1 OPPOSED. MOTION TO ADD AMENDMENT, Andra Watterson, SECOND, Don Hickman. MOTION TO AMEND CARRIED.

At this point, the Douglass Alumni Association By-Laws are updated to August 22, 2009.

Dee Dee Horton stated that all members in good standing have a right to vote by proxy.

Douglas Releford stated that we need to write a $100 check to St. Mark. MOTION TO ACCEPT by Andra Watterson, SECOND by Frank Horton. MOTION CARRIED.

New Business:

Linda Bly presented a $100.00 check from Richard Clark.

President Douglas Releford appointed the Event-Planning Committee: Roberta Lanauze, Frank Horton, Donald Hickman, Joy Hankins, Sonya Sneed, and Virginia Hankins.

Donald Hickman suggested that the rotation of the meeting sites should be taken to the Event Planning Committee.

Donald Hickman suggested that the president appoint a special committee, to decide how we want our room in the V.O. Dobbins Center to be decorated. Douglas Releford stated that the carpet has already been picked out (Blue & Gold).

Financial Report by Sandra Wilmer. There is $5,842.42 in the checking account and $1,823.13 in the scholarship fund. Motion to accept the financial report was made by Sonya Sneed, second by Andra Watterson. Dee Dee Horton suggested that we need to deposit the money in an Interest Bearing Account.

Next meeting is scheduled for September 19, 2009 In Kingsport, location TBA.

Motion for adjournment was made by Andra Watterson, second by Calvin Sneed. MOTION CARRIED.

Respectfully Submitted

Thelma Watterson, Recording Secretary