Friday, August 7, 2009

Rebuttal to Douglas Releford From A Douglass Board Member

We received this letter from Douglass Board Member Virginia Hankins, as rebuttal to Douglas Releford's comments, concerning the Douglass Alumni Board meeting of August 1st. The letter is unedited and printed in its entirety:

In answer to Mr. Releford's account of what is causing turmoil within the Douglass Alumni Association, let me first confirm that I, Virginia (Jenny) Hankins daughter of Emogene Cartwright Hankins and Lloyd (Teen) Hankins is one of the three persons in question. A majority of the Douglass alumni know that I have worked diligently with the association for years and have no intent whatsoever to disrupt the organization. During Mr. Releford's first term as President of the Douglass Alumni Association, if he will admit, I was his right hand person. I also was the person who prepared the financial report for our 501(c)3 during the time when I was not an officer. I have also acquired for the association $2,000.00 for the scholarship fund through Kholl's Department Store. This is just a very small portion of my resume concerning the Douglass Alumni Association. If you need more information about my loyalty to the association talk with Louetta Hall and Kathryn (Che-Che) White former presidents.
I do not want the job as president and have made it known several times over the years. My life as a volunteer does not allow me time to head an organization but only to assist in it. If I see something that is affecting the association, yes I will question it. There is animosity within the group and is my opinion that it all began when several members, me being one of the outspoken ones, questioned the fact that the Ebony club could join us without a vote. I was told that it was an executive decision and an apology was offered. We the association voted to table the Ebony club's joining us until after the reunion. Since then I feel that incident has put a damper on the association. Another incident involves the add-booklets that we gave out this year. I want you all to know that those booklets have allowed us to have more income in the bank at the end of the reunion than we have ever have. But the person who headed that endeavor was presented with roadblocks during the entire process.
I had intended to step down from the board because I feel that there are people who have their own agenda other than funding scholarships. Whoever is on the board in the future just remember that one of the main reasons the Douglass Alumni Association was formed was to give equal scholarships to sons and daughters of our alumni members.
This is my last comment concerning this matter. Friends do not despair because the Douglass Alumni Association will continue as long as our Lord breathes breath into at least one of us.

Respectfully Submitted,
Virginia (Jenny) Hankins