Sunday, September 20, 2009

Douglass Alumni Working Board Meeting Minutes, 9/19/09

September 19, 2009

Those in attendance:

Ozine Bly, Lillian Leeper, Ruth Russell, Dawnella Ellis, Sandra Wilmer, Douglas Releford, Thelma Watterson, Virginia Hankins, Calvin Sneed. QUORUM MET.

Meeting was bought to order by President Douglas Releford, prayer by V.P. President Lillian Leeper. Minutes of the last meeting was read. Motion to accept the minutes were made by Sandra Wilmer, second by Lillian Leeper. Motion Carried.

Financial Report:

Sandra Wilmer gave a report on the disbursements. A $100 check was written to Van Dobbins, Jr., $100 check was written to St. Mark United Methodist Church, $300 check was written to Maxwell a scholarship recipient and $500 went to Phillip Hamilton also scholarship recipient. The balance in the checking account is $4,667.42; the $1,823.13 that is in the scholarship fund will be transferred to the checking account. Motion to accept the financial report was made by Calvin Sneed, second by Thelma Watterson. Motion carried.

Old Business:

Donald Hickman has agreed to be the Parliamentarian of the by-laws.

President Douglas Releford handed out the New By-Law Proposals.

All were approved by the board as rewritten, edited and approved by the Parliamentarian. One was modified ("any future change or addition to the by-laws will be voted on and approved on a first reading. Second reading of the by-law proposal will be held at the next meeting, or in 30 days, whichever comes first.").

Motion to accept the new proposed by-laws with the necessary corrections was made by Calvin Sneed, second by Lillian Leeper. Motion carried.

The new updated Douglass Alumni Association By-Laws will be posted on the website shortly. Hard Copies of the new updated by-laws will be ready for working board members and the general public at the next meeting.


The V.O. Dobbins Non-Profit Center Team meeting will be held at the Dobbins Community Center Wednesday October 14, 2009 from 3:30 – 5;00PM. Our President, Douglass Releford is a team member. Those Douglass Alumni and Working Board members who wish to attend the tour are invited.

After the meeting, Douglass Alumni, the Douglass Alumni Working Board and the Riverview Community will need to attend a meeting with city officials at the Central Baptist Church at 6:00pm. The purpose of that meeting will be to discuss ideas and suggestions from the community on what local residents and alumni want displayed in the Douglass Community Room, the interior of the Community Center. and around the grounds surrounding the building. Watch for more information about this meeting.

Next alumni meeting will be November 14, 2009 at Bethel A.M.E. Zion Church at 1:00pm.

Motion for adjournment was made by Calvin Sneed, second by Ozine Bly. Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted

Thelma Watterson, Recording Secretary