Tuesday, September 22, 2009

New Updated By-Laws of the Douglass Alumni Association of Kingsport

Behind the scenes, your Douglass Alumni Working Board and the Executive Board have both been working on updating the by-laws of the Douglass Alumni Association of Kingsport. Our by-laws have not been updated since they were formulated back in the 1970's, and were terribly out-of-date.

10 years ago, the realization set in that our by-laws needed to be brought up-to-date. For whatever reason, that was not done, even though the need still existed.

It has taken several months, and now the by-laws are updated.

The Alumni Board has worked tirelessly on this endeavor, and each board member is to be commended for their suggestions and efforts. Also, many thanks go to alumnus Donald Hickman, who is now the Board Parliamentarian. He spent a lot of time, formulating, shaping, and translating many of the ideas and suggestions into a readable rule of thumb.

The Douglass Alumni Board has now charted a direction for the future, and have pledged to have significant oversight over our operations and procedures. With these new and updated by-laws, our Association members have a solemn promise that the Board will operate within its financial and fiscal boundaries, with the kind of moral responsibility that the Alumni members demand. With these new and updated by-laws, the Douglass Alumni Association has now reached the level of comparability with other non-profit agencies, not just in Kingsport, but around the state. The alumni members and Working/Executive Boards of Directors are all to be congratulated and commended for forging ahead.

To see the new updated by-laws, please click HERE