Sunday, November 22, 2009

New Updated Pictures from the HOPE VI Home Construction in Riverview

There is finally action in the Riverview Neighborhood on the site of the Riverview Apartments.

Construction has begun on the HOPE VI homes.

To see the first construction pictures on site, click here.

By looking at the pictures, it's pretty easy to see how the construction will progress. On the four-block site, the footers have already been poured for the first homes, right at the corner of Carver and Douglass Streets. The homes on that site will be the first completed on the site of the old Apartments. Construction will then move along Carver Street, down to the old Booker Street, then go back up to the corner of Douglass and Carver Streets.

Homes on the lower end of the tract between MLK-Lincoln, Lower Carver Street and Lower Louis Street will all be built last.

But the 4 HOPE VI homes on Lower Carver Street at MLK-Lincoln and Middle Carver Street at Douglass Street, plus the two homes being built on Wheatley Street will be finished long before the others. One home, in fact, is about halfway done right now.

Follow along with the pictures.

In a few days, we'll take you inside V.O. Dobbins for a look at the renovation going on there. Although the building is supposed to be finished and open for occupancy in July, we are predicting that construction work on our historic Douglass School building will be finished way ahead of schedule, possibly by March or April.

Please watch for a link to those pictures on your Douglass website!