Monday, December 7, 2009

Riverview Seniors Enjoy Fun and Events at Christmas Dinner & Party

Although it was held away from home this year, the annual Christmas Dinner and Party for Riverview's seniors was a rousing success.

"We had very good attendance," says Jeannie Hodges of the Kingsport Weed and Seed office. "More than 80 seniors came out for the event."

To view a slide show of the Christmas Party, click here.

This year's dinner and party was held at the Kingsport Renaissance Center, because the regular place, the V.O. Dobbins Gymnasium, is undergoing a renovation, as is the entire building.

"It was strange having to move the dinner for the first time ever," Mrs. Hodges says. "It's been held at V.O. Dobbins for all of the years we've had it, and this year, we were lucky. When we reserved the Renaissance Center room back in August or September, there was only one room left for December. December is a popular month for Christmas celebrations, reunions and parties. We were able to get the very last room available."

Seniors dined on roast beef with gravy, parsley potatoes, green beans, rolls and 3 different desserts.

"We had a van go around and pick up some of the seniors who can't get out on their own very much, and also the ones who needed transportation," she says. "We had door prizes, games and a special program by the New Vision Youth..each of them told about what Christmas means to them, and there was an essay reading by Jimmy Thompson's son.

The kids ended the presentation by singing "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" to the seniors.

Although the night was a festive one for everyone, thoughts of many there still drifted back to Riverview. This time next year, the Christmas Dinner and Party will be held back at the newly-renovated V.O. Dobbins Complex, hopefully in the new Douglass Community Center.

"We'll have a much nicer facility to look forward to," says Mrs. Hodges. "It does keep the event more in the neighborhood, and most of the seniors who like getting out and walking, won't have to go so far."

"Just to have it back in the Riverview Community where it started will be nice, where we can enjoy the dinner in the building that has always served as a cornerstone of the community."