Sunday, January 24, 2010

Douglass Alumni Working Board/Executive Board Meeting Minutes

January 23, 2010

In Attendance:

Andra Watterson, Douglas Releford, Louetta Hall, Sandra Wilmer, Lillian Leeper, Ozine Bly, Kathy Evans, Thelma Watterson, Calvin Sneed, Dawnella Ellis, Sheila Leeper, Judy Phillips.

Meeting was bought to order by President Douglas Releford, prayer by Chaplin Louetta Hall.

Minutes of the last meeting was read by Secretary Thelma Watterson, motion to accept the minutes were made by Calvin Sneed with the necessary corrections. Motion carried.

Financial Report was presented by Sandra Wilmer

She stated that there is $6,167.42 in the treasury and $423.54 in the scholarship fund. Motion to accept the financial report was made by Louetta Hall, second by Andra Watterson. Motion carried.

Old Business:

Ozine Bly wanted to know if there were any notable changes to the Douglass Alumni by-laws. Calvin Sneed stated that there were additions, subtractions and modifications and that the updated by-laws are posted on the Douglass Alumni website.

To see the new updated by-laws, please click HERE

News from the October Community Meeting:

Calvin stated that he pulled 46 pictures from the Douglass Annuals, those pictures will be enlarged and placed in the lobby of City Hall for Black History Month with descriptions of each picture. Later the pictures will be place in the V.O. Dobbins Community room, hallways and etc.

The V.O. Dobbins Center is now the V.O. Dobbins Complex. There were some concerns about the use of complex, but Calvin explained that Alumni and Riverview resident voters who picked complex, agreed with the city that "complex" in this instance is used as a noun and not an adjective. Also there are many other organizations that will occupy the building.

New Business:

Douglass Releford stated that Jeffery Faulkerson was instrumental in helping us obtain our 501 (C) 3 status,and Jeffrey asked Douglas if we (the Alumni Association) could make a donation to his organization. Andra Watterson suggested $200. Motion to accept was made by Andra, second by Louetta Hall. Motion carried.

Calvin Sneed presented the Charter Business Quote. Charter Communications is the company that the Kingsport has picked to service the V.O. Dobbins Complex non-profit offices. The Working Board chose Offer 1 for $89.99 with a 12-month term. The packet includes Charter Business High-Speed Internet, up to 10Mbps, and a Charter Business Telephone. One business phone line, 12 calling features, and Unlimited Long Distance. Ozine Bly suggested that we accept the Charter Offer 1 and next year we could add it to our proposal.

Douglas Releford commented that we should be moved in our office the week of July 4th, if not sooner.

He also stated that the furniture will be used items. We will have stainless steel appliances (stove, refrigerator). We will also have 2 new computers, monitors and a color printer.

Andra Watterson will donate a stainless steel microwave and coffee pot in memory of her (Father, Mother, and Sister).

Thelma Watterson will donate a toaster.

He also passed around a letter from The House of Representative State of Tennessee from State Representative Tony Shipley, inviting the Alumni Association to the 50th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Sit-In.

Douglas Releford met with Morris Baker, who is over an organization that gives grants to minorities. The grant will help promote Black Art. We could even get a part-time secretary if the minority grant is awarded. Louetta Hall suggested that we could volunteer a couple of hours a day to be in the office, and it was suggested that we make out a volunteer schedule so those that want to volunteer could sign up.

Calvin Sneed has been working extensively for two months with Jill Ellis (Mama Ellis) about the Rosenwald Schools and trying to obtain a historical Monument for Douglass School. We have somuch information about the school that the monument will be two sided. The monument is paid for. Deciding a place to put the monument was tabled for our February meeting.

To read the website article on our historic Douglass-Rosenwald School in Kingsport, please click here.

Calvin Sneed will travel to Nashville February 10, 2010 where he was invited to attend the Metro-Nashville Historical Committee that approves markers for the state Historical Commission. On February 19, 2010 the Tennessee Historical Committee will meet to decide whether the historical marker will be granted, and a group of alumni should make the trip, to meet with Nashville Douglass Alumni, and the upper East Tennessee legislative delegation when the Commission decides whether to approve an historical marker for Douglass.

Lillian Leeper stated that she would like to see all the work that Calvin is doing published in the Kingsport Times-News.

Louetta Hall commented that she never understood why Douglass was called Douglass High School when the building housed elementary grades also.

Adjournment was made by President Douglas Releford, Second by Thelma Watterson.

Next meeting will be February 27, 2010. Meeting place, TBA.

Respectfully Submitted:

Thelma Watterson, Recording Secretary