Sunday, February 14, 2010

More Snow on the Way to Riverview

Current projections are for the Riverview-South Central Kingsport neighborhood to get anywhere from 2 to 4 inches of snow, from the current weather system coming through Sunday night through Tuesday. Higher elevations in Southwestern Virginia and Eastern Kentucky will get more.

The fast-moving system of precipitation is common referred in the weather business as an "Alberta Clipper" because, although the winds behind it originate in Alaska and the upper Yukon, it hits the jet stream just below the province of Alberta in Canada as it progresses southeastward. By the time it crosses the U.S.-Canadian border, the speed by which the front is moving, coupled with the increased moisture already in this country, means, it dumps a lot of snow, in a relatively short period of time.

Please make your plans accordingly in the neighborhood, and be sure to consult the weather station covering the neighborhood, that is posted on the front page of your Douglass website.