Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Home Reunion Planned for Next Year, As Well as a Reunion Cruise

Douglass alumni will have lots to do next year, traditionally a reunion year for the former Douglass High School in Kingsport.

They will have a Reunion cruise to the Caribbean, as well as a traditional Home Reunion in the Riverview community, with the Douglass Community Room as the center of activity.

At the regularly scheduled meeting of the Douglass Board of Directors on Saturday, September 11th, it's planned for a representative of the travel agency working on the cruise to be present, to answer questions of those alumni about the cruise. The meeting will be at 1 PM in the Douglass Community Room of the V.O. Dobbins Sr. Complex, and interested folks are asked to attend.

Meanwhile, the Douglass Alumni Event/Planning Committee, established by the Douglass Alumni Board of Directors in August of last year, held a meeting this past Saturday, to discuss plans for the Home Reunion, and the minutes of that meeting are published below:

Douglass High School

Event/Planning Committee Meeting

2:30 p.m.

1065 North Union Grove Rd.

Friendsville, TN

August 28, 2010

Attendees: Frank Horton, Virginia Hankins, Joy Hankins, James “Moose” Henry, Donald Hickman, Calvin Sneed, Roberta Lanauze, Dee Dee Horton

The meeting was called to order by Frank Horton. An inspirational reading was offered by Horton.

Horton reviewed the purpose of the committee as outlined in the bylaws. Horton also enlightened us on the names and purposes of the other standing committees.

According to the bylaws, the Event/Planning Committee’s main purposes are to 1) select a banquet site, and 2) select the menu/catering service for the reunion. A group discussion of our role ensued.

Hickman moved (and it was seconded) that we support the planned cruise, along with a reunion in 2011. The motion was passed.

(From here forward, all suggestions from the committee were made in the form of a motion and passed by a majority.)

The committee recommends that the date for the Douglass Reunion in 2011 be
July 1,2, and 3, 2011.

The committee asked James “Moose” Henry to join this committee. Henry has a unique association with the V.O. Dobbins center and can be a valuable asset to this committee. Henry accepted.

It was also recommended that we secure the Douglass Community room for the reunion activities. This move will potentially save the alumni association a lot of money, thus allowing us to give more money for scholarships. There was a discussion of various activities. It was suggested that we have a reunion CD for sale (after the reunion) to include pictures of the 2011 activities. Because of the income generated at the last reunion, it was recommended that we have another reunion booklet.

Henry was asked to secure the room for the suggested reunion dates as soon as it becomes possible to do so. He was also asked to see if alcohol can be consumed in the building.

Themes were suggested for the reunion: 1) Rebirth of Riverview.2) Revival of Riverview.

We recommend that the Saturday field day activities be continued; and involve the community; however, raise the price of the vendor rental to $35- $50. Calvin Sneed will ask Jeannie Hodge about the liability we would incur if we secured the children’s’ inflatable jump toys.

Henry suggested that we have a place set up (at Field Day) for people to buy ads for the next reunion.

Suggested activities: 1) Friday night sock hop;
2) Friday night (Welcoming Reception) – registration, meet and greet – light hors d’oeuvres,
3) Saturday night reception (Reunion Reception) with heavy hors d’oeuvres
4) Fashion show (vintage clothing) – i.e.: “What the Teachers Wore”
5) We are still thinking of other forms of entertainment for the Saturday night reception.

We will still have a “price” for the reunion; however, Saturday night can be “a la carte: for those that want to only attend that affair.

It was suggested that, instead of hiring a DJ for Friday night, we download music to an Ipod/speakers, thus saving money.

It was suggested that we get sponsors for the Saturday night affair. It was also noted that we need to contact sponsors by November 1, 2010.

Frank Horton and Donald Hickman volunteered to chair the golf outing on Saturday morning.

It was suggested that after the board meets to consider the enclosed outline of the reunion activities, we send out some “save the date” cards or create any needed poll on the website.

It was also suggested that the board appoint a marketing/fundraising committee. Some suggested members were Calvin Sneed, Dee Dee Horton, Jeannie Hodge (anyone who wants to volunteer, especially if they have expertise in this area).

Sneed gave us a synopsis of the planned activities for the August 24th ribbon-cutting ceremony at Douglass. The committee thought that what has already been planned was sufficient.

The next meeting of the Events committee will be October 2, 2010 (in Knoxville) at 2 p.m. We will discuss food and entertainment for Friday and Saturday nights.

Lunch was served by Dee Dee Horton and the meeting was adjourned at 5:15 p.m.

Minutes submitted by:

Bert Webb Lanauze