Sunday, October 17, 2010

Douglass Alumni Working & Executive Board Meeting Minutes, October 16, 2010

Attendance: Douglas Releford, Lillian Leeper, Lee Vaughn (Travel Authority), Sandra Wilmer, Virginia Hankins, Ozine Bly, Ruth Russell, Thelma Watterson, Andra Watterson, Calvin Sneed, Lonnie Cox. Quorum met.

Meeting was brought to order by President Douglas Releford, prayer by Ruth Russell.

Lee Vaughn of The Travel Authority was present to hand out pamphlets about the upcoming Douglass Cruise Reunion, and to answer any questions that those interested may ask.

Minutes of the last meeting was read, motion to accept the reading of the minutes with the necessary corrections was made by Lillian Leeper, second by Andra Watterson. Motion carried.

Sandra Wilmer gave a report of the finances and scholarship. Motion to accept the reports were made by Andra Watterson, second by Calvin Sneed. Motion carried.

Old Business:

Ozine Bly asked if the alumni were paying Charter Communications annually. It was stated that we pay monthly. Calvin Sneed inquired if there was an advantage, sales tax wise, to pay annually. It was stated that there is probably not a tax break for paying annually.

Virginia Hankins read a letter that she had drafted to the City of Kingsport from the association; she said that she could revise the letter and thank the city for the room we have at the present. She said that just because you disagree does not mean that you are ungrateful.

Calvin Sneed stated that we no longer have access to the Douglass Community Room because we have changed rooms and our keys have been turned in. We may reserve the Community Room or Conference Rooms through Parks & Recreation (Kitty Camp).

Virginia Hankins read the minutes of the Planning Committee held in Knoxville (10/02/2010).

New Business:

Douglas Releford told of the obstacles he encountered while trying to apply for a State Treasury Grant. He was trying to use Douglass Alumni and Douglass Alumni of Memphis is already registered under that name. Calvin made a motion that we change our name to apply for incorporation to Sons and Daughters, Inc. We will still use Douglass Alumni to conduct business locally. Motion was second by Sandra Wilmer. Motion carried.


Andra Watterson told the alumni that we need to clean out our storage, and Calvin Sneed echoed that we need to get rid of our schoolbooks.

Douglas Releford said that we need to emphasize on our web site the importance of paying our dues now and not waiting until they are due.

Virginia Hankins said that we still have time to add to the existing list of themes and voting on them.

Our new address:

Douglass Alumni Association - Kingsport
301 Louis St., Suite 104
Kingsport, TN 37660

Our next meeting is scheduled for Saturday 11/14/2010 at 1:00pm in the Dobbins Complex.

Adjournment was made by Lillian Leeper, second by Calvin Sneed.

Respectfully Submitted,

Thelma Watterson, Recording Secretary