Saturday, January 8, 2011

Douglass Alumni Association Events Committee November Meeting

Events Committee met Nov. 20, 2010 at the home of Frank Horton. Members present were Calvin Sneed, Joy Hankins, Don Hickman, Dee Dee Horton, and Virginia Hankins.

Frank Horton called the meeting to order and presented an inspirational reading to the group.

The first order of business discussed (more or less as a sidebar discussion) was the process by which the Alumni dues were to be handled. Don Hickman suggested that since the dues were previously included in the registration fee, and that process was working well, to leave it as is.

The Events Committee suggest to the Executive Board Members to solicit separately funds for operating expenses. He also suggested that we post our expenses on the website and allow Alumni members to make separate donations toward those expenses.

The next order of business discussed was a caterer for the events of the reunion in 2011. The Events Committee wants to do business with someone in the community. Several names were suggested. Joy Hankins made a motion to use a particular person and the committee agreed, but we will withhold that information until the person can be contacted and we can ensure that person is able to provide what we need for an acceptable fee.

The Events Committee wants to make the reunion appealing to a wider range of people on field day. Don Hickman suggested perhaps a bid whiz tournament and he and Calvin Sneed suggested to also extend an invitation to the non-profit businesses that are housed in the V.O. Dobbins Complex to have a booth alongside our food vendors. ( All booths will pay $25.00) Dee Dee Horton knows of a 14 year old rapper that she will see about getting to perform on field day. The young man is the son of the rapper that made “865Area Code“. Calvin Sneed also said that he would get in touch with Stella Robinette about the Kingsport Drum Line and the person who was a contestant for American Idol as entertainment.

Calvin Sneed suggested that we begin considering a speaker for our Memorial service. The following people were suggested: Halleran Hilton Hill, a radio talk show host, Walter Williams, a Judge and Skip Brown, entrepreneur and Douglass High school alumnus.

The committee suggested to charge a nominal fee for the golf outing but to have side games for a fee to generate money for the scholarship fund. Frank is contemplating no less that 50 teams to participate. He and Donald suggested several names to make appearances and participate in the golf outing. Those persons are: Skip Brown, Gerald Sensabaugh, Willie Horton, Anthony Hancock, Lester McClain, Stanley Morgan, Wilbur Jones, Leotis Burton, and Condridge Holloway. These men are known athletes from Kingsport and surrounding areas and some are former UT football players.

The Events Committee agrees that immediately after the first of the year we need to step it up and get rolling with our plans for the 2011 reunion. Don Hickman will draft letters to solicit donations from area businesses, invite the non profit organizations to put up booths for field day, and contact Meadow View to confirm our usage of the golf course. Calvin Sneed will contact the city of Kingsport Parks and Recreation through James (Moose) Henry to see about getting a stage and sound system set up for field day entertainment. Frank and Donald will contact the former athletes.

Calvin made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Joy Hankins seconded.

Respectfully Submitted,

Virginia Hankins