Friday, October 21, 2011

Sons and Daughters of Douglass Board Meeting Minutes, October 15, 2011


Members In Attendance: Virginia Hankins, Ruth Russell, Lillian Leeper, Thelma Watterson, Sheila Leeper, Andra Watterson, Calvin Sneed, Ozine Bly, Wallace Ross, Jr., Sandra Wilmer, Pamela Sensabaugh; Andra Watterson, Linda Bly, and Vicki Smith.

Meeting was called to order by President, Virginia Hankins


Financial report given by Lillian Leeper

Old Business/Unfinished Business

Swearing in of Officers – Pam Sensabaugh, - Correspondence Secretary, and Wallace Ross, Jr.,- Seargent-At-Arms was done by Andra Watterson.

Our ad in Shiloh’s anniversary book was shown to the group.

Telephone – Calvin explained the bundle that we are currently using versus changing plans and the cost involved. Weighing options as to whether there will be a savings if we change plans. Changing plans to eliminate the phone and keep the internet will not be a significant savings. Alumni will revisit in January whether or not to continue with the plan we have now.


Pancake Breakfast – Pancakes, Sausage, Coffee on Saturday, November 17, 2011 7:30 – 10:30 @ Applebee’s on E. Stone Drive/Eastman Road. Each member is responsible for 10 tickets (donation of $5.00) total amount of tickets on hand = 300 Volunteers are needed to cook, serve, greet, and publicize the event.

Sponsors needed for Golf Outing on October 6, 2012 (tentative date). This is a listing of the previous sponsors: Green Bank, Eastman, Braden’s Barbeque, Rick Spivey, Food City, WKPT, Nathan Vaughn (State Farm Insurance).

New Business

Report from tenants meeting - Douglass Alumni Association is able to hold a total of four meetings per year without charge. We are non-paying tenants and we have to follow the guidelines the same as all other tenants.

Request to co-sponsor Dr. Umar Johnson - Dion Russell (Dinky) has asked the alumni to co-sponsor the event featuring Dr. Umar Johnson. The only day available open that we can co-sponsor is that Saturday. Motion was made by Peaches to work with Chassy Smiley to reserve the building and Calvin seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Points of Interest from the President

President is asking for all alumni to come out and support the pancake breakfast. This will be our first fundraising event for 2011. Lillian made a motion that funds generated from this event be used to open our account with Green Bank. Calvin seconded the motion and motion carried.

The alumni office would like to catalog all of the past alumni booklets, if any alumni has extras please let us know. There will be a brief meeting after the pancake breakfast on November 19, 2011.

Meeting Adjourned

Minutes submitted by: Vicki Smith, Recording Secretary