Monday, October 10, 2011

Sons & Daughters of Douglass Board Meeting Minutes

September 17, 2011

Members In Attendance: Virginia Hankins, Ruth Russell, Lillian Leeper, Sheila Leeper, Douglas Releford, Andra Watterson, Calvin Sneed, Ozine Bly, Johnnie Mae Swagerty, Wallace Ross, Jr., Joy Hankins, and Vicki Smith.

MEETEING CALLED TO ORDER by Virginia Hankins, President

Prayer by Ruth Russell

Minutes were read by Vicki and Doug made a motion to accept minutes with corrections. Lillian seconded the motion. Minutes were accepted with the following corrections: all correspondence will be mailed to 301 Louis Street, Suite 104 Kingsport, TN 37660 and the bank we’ll change our account to, will be Green County Bank (Green Bank).

Installation of New Officers for 2012-2013 – Andra Watterson asked all newly elected officers to stand and raise their right hand to agree to abide by the bylaws and uphold the offices of the Sons & Daughters of Douglass Alumni Board

Financial Report given by Lillian as follows:

Checking Account Report 7/31/11-9/17/11

Beginning Balance on 8/1/11 $5,670.90 (with the following deductions)

Scholarship Check -$500.00
Church Ad -$50.00
Floral Expense -$40.00
(2) Books of Stamps -$17.60
Silent Auction -$678.35

Balance $4,384.95

Checks that have been sent out but not yet processed are:

2 Scholarship = $1,000
Internet/Phone = $209.64 (2 months)
Scholarship Fund Report 7/31/11-9/17/11
Beginning Balance $3,264.71
Interest Paid $0.34


7/1911 $ 100.00 (donation)
8/15/11 $ 828.35 (donation of $150/silent auction-$678.35)

Balance $4,193.40

Doug made a motion to accept the financial report as a true report and Andra seconded the motion.

Financial report accepted and discussion to use cashier’s checks for the scholarship recipients.


Everyone’s help is needed to keep our mailing list updated. Pam is continually updating the alumni mailing and we need everyone’s help to keep this list current.

Calvin will post a letter regarding alumni dues on the website, e-mail, and Facebook.

Request for alumni to help a student with book fees, who had not applied for a scholarship. Doug made a motion to continue with scholarship committee guidelines and deny the request. Sheila seconded the motion and motion carried.

1 year celebration on completion of the renovation of V.O. Dobbins, Sr. Complex will be held on Wednesday, September 21, @ 4:00 p.m. in the Douglass room.

Letter was received regarding a tenants meeting in the building to address any concerns.

Suggestion to do online banking and to keep a notebook with all expenses.
File folders and ink for printer are items needed for the office

Letter to be sent to the division of charitable solicitation and gaming on our name change.

We’ll receive a yearly notification from the Chamber every July.

We will continue with Bank of Tennessee until all transactions are completed, and open new account with Green County Bank.

Tax return – Doug will help Jenny with return (short form)

Talked about current operating expenses and Calvin will call David Olterman @ Charter regarding our bundle package.

Fundraising – Calvin explained that grants are not to be used for operating expenses, but grants are available for us. Doug is familiar with the grant-writing process.

Fundraisers suggestions: Fish Fry, Spaghetti, Car Wash, & Pancake Breakfast. Joy made a motion to have a breakfast and Sheila seconded the motion. Motion carried. Pancake breakfast @ Applebee’s on Saturday, November 19, 2011 from 7:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Each member will be responsible for a total of 10 tickets @ $5.00 each. Motion made by Vicki to accept this proposal and Calvin seconded. Motion carried. We will purchase a total of 300 tickets. Johnnie Mae volunteered the New Vision Youth as servers for this event as part of their community volunteer services. Publicity will be via flyers, radio, television, newspaper, & churches.

Johnnie Mae updated the alumni regarding the Ebony Club merging and the majority voted not to merge at this time, but continue to work together every reunion year.

Doug made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Calvin seconded the motion. Motion carried and the next meeting to be held Saturday, October 15, 2011 @ 1:00 p.m.


Minutes submitted by: Vicki Smith, Recording Secretary