Monday, March 5, 2012

Sons & Daughters of Douglass Board Meeting, March 3, 2012


Members In Attendance: Virginia Hankins, Ruth Russell, Thelma Watterson, Sheila Leeper, Andra Watterson, Judy Phillips, Ozine Bly, Kathy Evans, Sandra Wilmer, Pamela Sensabaugh; Andra Watterson, Van Dobbins, Doug Releford, Louetta Hall, Lillian Leeper, and Vicki Smith.

Call to Order - Virginia Hankins, President

Prayer - Sandra Wilmer

November Meeting Minutes were read by Pam and a motion was made to accept minutes as read and seconded. Financial report was given by Lillian and was accepted as read.

Old Business:

Alumni Addresses (build a database)

New Business:

*Confirmation has been received regarding the alumni name change

*Suggestions to promote community groups by making a donation

*Fundraising ways to offset budget/operating expenses

*President & the Financial Officers will meet on Friday, 3/9/12 @ 3:00 p.m. concerning budget/expenses and will report back to the alumni at the next scheduled meeting

*We have a list of potential Dobyns-Bennett graduates that may qualify for scholarships monies

*Announcements will be sent out the local churches as well as letters mailed with rules for applying

*By-Laws will be discussed at our next meeting

*Ideas needed for 2013 reunion – place, entertainment, souvenir booklets, alumni members participation, etc.

*Doug will assist with the Income Tax Filing

No further business to discuss. Doug made a motion to adjourn the meeting and all were in favor. Motion carried and the next meeting to be held on Saturday, April 28, 2012 @ 1:00 p.m. Meeting Adjourned.

Minutes Recorded By: Pamela Sensabaugh, Correspondence Secretary
Minutes Submitted By: Vicki Smith, Secretary