Wednesday, May 2, 2012

New Vision Youth Planning to Visit Washington, D.C.


It is the trip of a lifetime for some of Riverview's bright young minds. They need your help getting to the cradle of our nation's democracy.

The New Vision Youth of Kingsport are planning a trip to Washington, D.C. to see the sites, among them the White House, the U.S. Capitol, the Smithsonian Institution, and the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial. Your contributions are needed to help the trip come to life.

"The trip costs 85 dollars per child," says New Vision Youth Director Johnnie Mae Swagerty. "40 kids are going, 20 girls and 20 boys, along with 9 chaperones. 3 sponsors have already paid for 3 children, and while donations are coming in, we still need more to make this memorable trip for the kids."

"Many of them have heard OF Dr. King, but they don't know ABOUT him," Swagerty says. "This visit gives them the opportunity to see what he preached concerning civil rights, and to learn what he preached about non-violence. On the monument, they'll be able to read his sayings and get to understand how to live in society with their fellow Americans."

"3 or 4 of our chaperones grew up in the Civil Rights Movement," she continued, "and can share stories of inspiration while the kids visit the monument."

"It will be a good time for the kids to see and witness history."

A trip to Howard University is also on the itinerary.

"The 85 dollars per child includes a round-trip ticket on the chartered bus," says Swagerty, "plus hotel lodging and snacks on the bus. The trip also includes a sit-down dinner, and supervised swimming at the hotel. Each child has to bring 20 dollars and the New Vision program will furnish the remaining 65 to add up to 85 dollars."

"Some of the kids have never been on a bus trip outside the state of Tennessee, and this also gives them the chance to see different places, meet different people and experience somethings they have never experienced before."

This is where your donations come in.

"We're asking individuals, organizations, churches or anybody who wants to make this trip possible, to send contributions to me at 950 Dale Street, Kingsport, Tennessee 37660. Just put it in care of New Vision Youth. If you don't have 85 dollars, just send what you can.. anything you can do, helps the kids get to our nation's capitol."

Swagerty says, contributions are tax-deductable, through the South Central Kingsport Community Development Corporation, a non-profit agency, and "people who donate will get a receipt to claim the money back on their income taxes."

This coming Saturday, you'll have a chance to make a contribution to the trip, and get a good meal, too!

The New Vision Youth group is holding a fish fry and bake sale at the Splash Pad in Riverview this Saturday, May 5th at 12 Noon, with proceeds going to the Washington, D. C. trip. Fish sandwiches for $3.00, hot dogs for a dollar, mini cakes and cupcakes for a dollar, fried oreo's, 3 for a dollar and fried mini-snickers, 3 for a dollar.

For more information, call Johnnie Mae Swagerty at 423-429-7553.