Thursday, September 27, 2012

Douglass Board Meeting Minutes, September 22, 2012


Members In Attendance: Virginia Hankins, Sheila Leeper, Ozine Bly, Doug Releford, Ruth Russell, Andra Watterson, Judy Phillips, Calvin Sneed, and Vicki Smith.

Meeting was called to order by Virginia Hankins, President

Prayer by Ruth Russell

Minutes were read by Vicki Smith, Recording Secretary. Doug made a motion to accept minutes as read and Ruth seconded. Motion carried.




Jenny deposited $350.00(funds received for the golf outing) into the Savings Acct. AGC Flat Glass gave a contribution of $100.00, making a total of $450.00 received & deposited.

Jenny asked for volunteers to assist with the golf outing. John Hardy is working on obtaining sponsors and teams. Jenny also encouraged board members to contribute to the golf outing to replenish our scholarship fund.

All in agreement to set-up automatic bank withdrawal for the Charter acct to avoid late charges.

New Beginnings Church requested a $75.00 donation due to Sons & Daughters of Douglass recommendation to use Charter; which will result in a credit ($ amt. tbd) to our Charter Acct.

One of our scholarship recipients received a full college scholarship. The school deducted the amount we sent which still resulted in a full scholarship for the recipient.

Scholarship Committee guidelines should be followed and applicant information kept confidential.

Doug made a motion for future reference that the Scholarship Committee should bring back to the board recommendation of applicants & the amount to be given for recipients. Andra seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Our scholarships are available to all alumni descendants, not just the Tri-Cities area.

All board members are encouraged to get address/email updates of family, friends, classmates that are Douglass Alumni.

Several ideas were discussed regarding the 2013 events (bus ride, growth of Kingsport, picnic, etc.)

Doug has talked with contacts for Eastman & Northeast State for souvenirs for our gift bags.

Judy Phillips will be the chairperson for a FISH/CHICKEN DINNER on Friday, October 19th. Doug will secure the shelter for this event.

The next meeting is scheduled for Saturday, 10/27/12 @ 1:00 p.m. in the Eastman Room. Meeting was adjourned.

Minutes submitted by: Vicki Smith, Recording Secretary