Friday, November 16, 2012

Compared to Others, Your Douglass Website is Unique!


On this Thanksgiving holiday, I would like to thank you for continuing to visit the Douglass website to get news, information, and pictures about what's happening in our Riverview community.

Facebook has its place and it's good to quick-connect with friends and family, but remember that your Douglass website always goes much further with stories and pictures and information about Douglass and the Riverview neighborhood. We have a lot of range on the website. Unlike Facebook, stories and pictures on the website will always be there, and it's as easy as checking in on current events, or going to Google or Yahoo and putting in a keyword in the search bar to see a previous story.

At the website, we also pride ourselves on being able to spread the good news about our community to the rest of Kingsport, the Tri-Cities region, and indeed through the internet, the rest of the U-S and the world. Indeed, the world is reading about Riverview through the website. I constantly hear from people in Kingsport and the surrounding community, from black and white neighborhoods in America, and then far away, even in foreign countries who admire our small neighborhood and the Riverview residents for sticking together as a family and as a community. I am proud to help spread the word!

In this season of Thanksgiving, I am thankful for the Lord's Blessings, health, family, friends, and a neighborhood of familiar faces, events and places that renews the spirit constantly.

Happy Thanksgiving!