Tuesday, November 20, 2012

From Gretta Simon: Thanks to All


To all our friends, Vic Danger Fans, extended family and residents of Kingsport.
Sorry this note is late, it has been a difficult time.

I want to thank everyone for showing much love to me & The Simon Family.
Reflecting on all the expressions of sympathy from everyone. Your telephone messages, text messages, loving conversations, cards, flowers, and generous monetary gifts were very much accepted and appreciated. Your gentle touch, loving hugs and friendly kisses were comforting and became a source of strength. Thank you so much.

Victor always enjoyed coming home to Kingsport to visit with friends, family & classmates, and was thrilled to perform with his bands. His love of music became such an impact in both our lives.

We enjoyed many venues together from local clubs, private parties, holiday celebrations, tours with Harry Belafonte, & the Tyrone Smith Revue, they will always be our cherished memories.

During this part of my life.. as called the journey of grief.. it has been a painful experience. My trust in God has been my true comforter. When I sat back and reflected on this experience and the loss, I also become " thankful," for the many years Victor & I shared our lives together and the people that became a part of our lives also.

Thank you to everyone who has reached out to us in love and sincere empathy.
It has helped me and encouraged me so much. Victor is missed dearly, not only by me and his family, but from the show of love and respect from everyone in Kingsport... I am sure you miss him too.

Thank you for your love and prayers.

During this holiday season pray for the families who has had a recent loss, families that are experiencing their first holiday without their loved ones, and families that have difficulties during this season without their loved ones.

God is our comforter and our help.

Trusting Him,

Gretta Maxwell Simon