Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Riverview Fall Trash Pick-up: A Clean Community is a Health Community!

Keeping the Riverview Community clean is a message that's emphasized twice a year by folks who take time to pick up trash and debris.

Those folks hit the streets a few days ago, and collected dozens of bags of garbage, trash and litter from the streets of Riverview.

"We had a good turnout," says Jeannie Hodges, administrator with the Weed and Seed office of South Central Kingsport Community Development. "It was supposed to rain, but God is Good and the rain held off."

46 volunteers fanned out from the Douglass ballfield picking up trash, litter and discarded garbage around Riverview. They also went 'cross town along Dale, Maple, Oak, Sevier and Myrtle Streets and the alleys in between."

A Slideshow of the Fall Clean-up in Riverview

Created with flickr slideshow.

Those volunteers included residents, New Vision youth, and people doing court-ordered community service.

"We care about our community," says Hodges. "We want to keep it clean as we can. A couple of neighborhoods in Kingsport do clean ups like we do, but not nearly enough of them.

"It's a sense of pride in your neighborhood to have it litter and trash-free," she says. "It's also good to know that residents want to get out and keep it clean."