Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Sons and Daughters of Douglass Board Meeting Minutes, 3/9/2013


Members In Attendance: Wallace Ross, Jr., Doug Releford, Andra Watterson, Lonnie Cox, Blenda Brown, Thelma Watterson, Lillian Leeper, Louetta Hall, Sandra Wilmer, and Vicki Smith.

Meeting was called to order by Andra Watterson, Interim President

Prayer by Lillian Leeper


Minutes were read and motion made by Andra to accept minutes as read. Doug seconded the motion and motion carried.

Financial Report:

Lillian gave the financial report for the checking/savings account.

Deposit was made from dues & pancake sales

Lillian made an automatic transfer on 3/7/13 from checking to pay Charter.   Louetta made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report as read and Doug seconded the motion. Motion carried.



Andra will meet with Charter on Tuesday, March 12, 2013 in office to reconnect services

Thank-you note has been sent to Paul Montgomery. Vicki suggested to send one also to Bob Feagins regarding Chamber Dinner

A total of $110 in dues was received from members attending meeting today and names and amounts were recorded by Lillian

Any officer unable to attend meetings should notify the President of their absence

Old Business:

Andra asked that all monies from ticket sales be turned in ASAP

New Business:

Socialization hour in alumni room on Saturday, July 6, 2013 – time to be determined later

Doug reminded the alumni that we have the field reserved for Friday, July 5, & Saturday, July 6th. Lillian made a motion to charge $40 for 2-day vendor usage of field. Lonnie seconded the motion and motion carried.

Andra stated that she had already received a request from Mr. Brooks and she will notify him of the field cost.

Anyone that wants to reserve space on the field should contact Louetta, Sandra, or Andra. Deadline for reserving the space will be June 21st.

Alumni will set-up tables with any memorabilia that we have on hand to sell.

Other suggestions for fundraising were: selling dishcloths and having a movie night.

Volunteers are needed for the Sunday Memorial Service – Lillian Leeper & Blenda Brown will chair that committee

2013 Graduation list from Dobyns-Bennett was reviewed for alumni descendants

All descendants graduating may be from other schools, alumni should submit names of these potential recipients


The next meeting will be a covered dish on Saturday, April 20, 2013 @ 1:00 p.m. Doug made a motion to adjourn and Andra seconded. Motion carried and Louetta closed the meeting with prayer.

Meeting was adjourned.


Minutes recorded by: Vicki Smith, Recording Secretary