Sunday, April 28, 2013

Meeting Minutes: Sons and Daughters of Douglass Board of Directors 4/27/13

Sons and Daughters of Douglass Alumni Association Meeting Minutes

April 27, 2013

Members in attendance: Thelma Watterson, Wallace W. Ross, Jr. Sandra Wilmer, Linda Bly, Ozine Bly, Judy Phillips, Ruth Russell, Calvin Sneed, Andra Watterson, Douglas Releford, Lillian Leeper.

Meeting was called to order by President Andra Watterson

Prayer by Ethel Russell

Financial Report:

Lillian Leeper presented the financial report for checking/savings account

Motion to accept the financial report was made by Calvin Sneed, second by Linda Bly. Motion carried.

Bills to be paid:

Calvin presented due bills and also signed the alumni up for auto-billing with Charter Communications.

Minutes of the previous meeting were read individually, Calvin made a motion to accept the minutes; the minutes were second by Linda with the corrections made to the financial report.

Old Business:

The alumni association received a thank you card from the Cox/Butts family.
There were discussions about who should get flowers/cards but that discussion was tabled until the Correspondence Secretary is contacted.

Calvin had cards printed to give to members when they pay their dues. Motion was made to use the new cards. Motion carried.

Doug handed out forms for Field-Day registrants to occupy space during our field-day activities. Linda suggested the following additions. Checks should be made out to Sons and Daughters of Douglass and each registrant is responsible for clean-up of their space. The association added that the fee should be $25/day or $40 for two days and the hours are from “dawn to dusk.”

New Business:

Discussion about the scholarship forms and who should be considered for a scholarship.

The scholarship forms are being changed to reflect the amended by-law.

Linda made a suggestion that dues of all alumni be up to date before their children would be eligible to receive a scholarship. The by-laws would have to be amended, motion to amend the by-law of Article 7, Section 4, and Page 6. Motion carried.


Sandra asked if there was any news concerning the dish cloths there was no information available.

Ozine wanted to know if Andra needed to be added to the checking account, it was decided that as president her name should be added ASAP.

Next meeting is scheduled for May18, 2013 @1:00pm

Adjournment was made by Linda second by Doug. Meeting adjourned

Minutes recorded as Thelma Watterson heard them.