Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sons and Daughters of Douglass Board Meeting Minutes, May 18, 2013


Members in Attendance:  Wallace W. Ross, Jr, Andra Watterson, Louetta Hall, Linda Blye, Sandra Wilmer, Ozine Bly, Calvin Sneed and Vicki Smith

Meeting was called to order by Andra Watterson, President

Prayer by Louetta Hall, Chaplain

Minutes were read by Vicki Smith, Recording Secretary and motion made by Ozine to accept minutes as read.  Sandra seconded the motion and motion carried.

Financial Report:
Ozine Bly, Treasurer gave the financial report for the checking/savings account.

Sandra made a motion to accept the Treasurer's report as read, and Louetta seconded the motion.
Motion carried.

Old Business:
    Mishaps occured in generating the forms for Scholarship/Field Usage
    Calvin will scan both forms and send to Linda to re-create so farms are available for scholarship    
    applicants and vendors.
    Calvin stated he has been paying for usage of website.
    Douglass on-line website for T-shirts, bugs, etc. is not generating any funds.
    All in agreement for only approved minutes to be viewed on website.
    Completed forms (scholarship/vendor) will be given to Andra and she will pass out to designated
    members, churches, etc. so they will be accessible for pickup.
    Reminder to check with Lillian regarding socializing for Alumni on Friday in the Douglass Room
    Letter of resignation from Lillian Leeper, Financial Secretary
    Ozine Bly, Treasurer will need an Interim Assistant.  Vicki Smith volunteered to fill this position until
     next election.  Calvin made a motion to accept Vicki as Interim Assistant and Linda seconded the
     motion.  Motion carried.
     Paperwork at Capital Bank to be completed on Monday by Vicki for bank signature as Interim
     Assistant, since Lillian has resigned.

The next meeting will be on Saturday, June 15th, 2013 at 1:30 PM.  Calvin made a motion to adjourn the
 meeting.  Sandra seconded the motion.  Meeting was adjourned.

Minutes recorded and submitted by:  Vicki Smith, Recording Secretary