Saturday, January 4, 2014

Coming Monday: Riverview's New Neighbor Flexs Its Muscle

Big changes are coming to Riverview.


"The effect on Riverview will depend on how everything is designed," out-going Kingsport city manager John Campbell says.

"Kids today don't have the kind of experiences we had back in the day.. I hope (this) doesn't change that," one Riverview resident says.

"It could be a positive impact, but I think it's going to put a big squeeze on the community," said another resident in an interview.

"Sometimes, I don't think the city pays enough attention to us here in Riverview before they made decisions.. we live in the city too," still another resident says.

"My hope is that the changes will have a minimal impact on Riverview," said Kingsport Assistant City Manager Chris McCartt.

"It might be a good thing, but I think there could be some initial concerns," says another.

"I don't know if the city can foresee every problem that might come up with changes like that," one long-time resident says........

If you thought replacing the historic Riverview Apartments and renovating our beloved Douglass School Building a few years ago was an earth-shattering event... "you ain't seen nothing yet."

Beginning Monday, January 6th, your Douglass website will begin the first report in a series of 5 stories on changes coming to Riverview that will impact our lives and our memories, whether you live in Riverview or re-visit from time to time. All eyes in Kingsport are about to be focused again on our little corner of the world, all the way from Dunbar Street to East Sevier Avenue.

Your Douglass website reporter has done extensive interviews on the changes coming, and together with present and past pictures, will attempt to explain what's coming, why it's coming, and what the impact will be. Of course, the purpose of the articles is to touch on and caress our memories, to preserve the history and legacy of Riverview and Douglass High School, and to make sure the rest of Kingsport knows that our memories are important. I've always felt you can change the box we call Riverview, but you cannot change what's inside of it.

Again, the 5-part series begins Monday, January 6th, at the NEWS AND CURRENT EVENTS link on your Douglass website.