Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Thanks for a Great Douglass Reunion!


I wish to thank everyone who was able to make this year's reunion a great success. We were small in number this year, but we were still able to meet and have a great time. A lot of the people present said that they enjoyed the picnic and the barge ride this year.

I am glad that we were able to change things this year in hoping to draw people to the reunion. 

As always, we are open to suggestions, and if you have any for the reunion please send them to us. The mailing address is:
Sons and Daughters of Douglass
301 Louis Street
Suite 104
Kingsport, TN 37660

Also, all those who attended this years reunion would you please send us your updated mailing address? We meant to have a sign in book but we forgot. Also, any one else that has a new mailing address, would you send it to us we are still trying to get an updated mailing list.

Douglas S. Releford