Sunday, January 24, 2016

2016 Snowmageddon: So What's It Look Like At Home:


Downtown Kingsport

It was a week of nothing but snow, snow, snow in Riverview.

Our folks woke up Wednesday morning to about about one to three inches, just enough to tie up the roads.  It quit about noon.

Left, Rayven and Jayven Petty, 17-year old twins, were walking the streets in Borden Village Thursday morning looking for driveways and walkways to shovel, in the hopes of making a little money.

But before Wednesday ended, the frozen precipitation had come back, dumping another few inches of snow.  That did worry some of us.

And then, Friday came.  Before any of Wednesday's snow even melted, Riverview got hit with another 10 to 12 inches!

People were trying their best to get their cars uncovered and driveable, while Kingsport Public Works worked to get the major roads clear.  In our neighborhood, the only road-clearing is what we did with our own cars, just trying to get out.


If you remember growing up in Riverview, as you looked around with all the snow on the ground during the weekdays, there was always a quiet stillness in the air, even though nearby Eastman kept a constant hum going.  Every once in a while, somebody would drive by, waving as they went by.

Kids would get out and build snowmen and snow sculptures, while their moms, grandmama's, aunts and cousins kept the homes warm and cozy for when the kids came back in, wet and dripping... and always forgetting to close the back door.  No matter.. 15 minutes later, you were right back outside, where our neighbors watched over us to make sure we didn't hurt each other or ourselves.

One thing was certain.  Brice Hamilton on Dunbar Street always had the very first snow-shoveled driveway in the neighborhood, both in the 'View and 'cross town.  You could set your clock by him.  At the last flake of snow, Mr. Hamilton had a cleared driveway.  I think that was the 'mailman's creed' in him:  "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night will stay these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds."  Fill in the blank on the next snow-cleared driveway, but Mr. Hamilton always had the first one..

When the mothers of the community had to venture out, Rev. Edge always had anything you needed quickly.  His prices were reasonable.. in fact, he gave out food to folks that just didn't have the cash right then.  He always fussed about it, too.  Edge's Place was always busy on a snowy day and it was always in walking distance. If you had to do some heavy-duty grocery shopping, Oakwood Market and the Little Store seemed like miles away, but if you needed them, you made it out of the 'View.
Snow didn't stop the menfolk.. church activities still continued (in the 'View, you could walk to church), meetings continued, and if you had to be at Eastman, you were at Eastman or where ever.

As dusk settled in on our quiet community, after checking on their shut-in neighbors, everybody would settle in for a good dinner, maybe a little TV... kids knew they were going to school the next day (the roads were never "too slick for Swick")... Douglass was just around the corner, and Mr. Dobbins expected you to be in class even in the snow ('cause if you weren't, he would come and get you).

As a kid growing up, we would always hope that it would snow on Friday and Saturday since we would be going to school the next day... at least on Saturday and Sunday, you got to get out and play in the wet stuff.  As for the adults on the weekends, count on the Elks to always be open!

We thought you'd like to remember with us when those wonderful, playful, childhood days helped make living in the 'View fun!