Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Note to Website Email Subscribers: Your Correct Email Address Is Needed

Good day, Douglass alumni and Riverview neighbors!

Recently I had to purge dozens of email addresses from the alumni website's email subscriber list.  Whenever I would send out notices, each one of them kicked back as either "nondeliverable" or "closed email address."  Some folks have passed away, but others are just closed accounts.

If you change your email address, any new email address you change to, does not automatically transfer over to the Douglass website email mailing list.  You have to re-subscribe if you want to stay current.

If you want to be notified of events, passings and news of interest to our alumni community, please re-register your new address by going to the Douglass alumni webpage (, scroll down to the white box on the left that says "join mailing list" (pictured above) and follow the instructions to register your new email list.  Remember to do that any time you change to a new email address, but only if you want to.

Note:  I do not send you spam, advertising or useless information.. any email spam you get does not come from the Douglass website mailing list.   I also do not share your email address, not even with other alumni.  If you want to contact fellow alumni or neighbors, you can get their email addresses yourself.. you don't need to get them from me.   Years ago, I allowed people to interact with each other directly via the website, but spammers and hackers got in by imitating legitimate emails and I shut that feature down immediately.  Now, you have to contact each other on your own... that's a much better system.  I protect you from hackers by strictly monitoring who subscribes, first by running email address through my spam blockers which automatically block anybody I don't recognize.

Joining the email list with a legitimate email address, allows me to send you notifications that there is a posting on the website's News and Current Events page that may be of interest to you.  Should you chose not to get notifications, you can still check this News and Current Events page on your own.

Thank you for your attention.
