In cooperation with a couple of other organizations, the men's group (ABC--All Brothers in Christ), will be having a "MEN & BOYS JUST HAVING FUN DAY" in Surgoinsville, Tn off Fiddler Lane (Across from Surgoinsville's Riverfront Park) on Friday, Nov. 1, 2013 beginning at 12 NOON.
Please announce this and bring a young boy/man so we can fellowship and have fun with them while showing them the wonder of God's love for them. All are welcome but we especially want to see/talk with boys and young men to show them that there are "alternatives" in particular those without a "positive" male role model in their lives.
Rolax Jones (Persia Baptist) is the President. Pastor C. Roy Charles (ABC member & and Pastor of Hasson Street Christian Church) is our program/work coordinator.
Again, you are invited "to the River" (across from Surgoinsville's Riverfront Park) in Surgoinsville, TN.
Time: 12 Noon ---until ???
"fishing" --going for a catch
"free food & water"---for physical & spiritual feeding
"Fun"---fun and fellowship with and for all and to the "One" who is "ALL"
Small (f's) can build larger (F's), which can spell and lead to (FORGIVENESS and FAITH).
p.s. Please bring your fishing gear, if you want to do some fishing (it's private property)
This page is the main news and information section of the Douglass High School website. Compared to the National and Metro sections of a standard newspaper, news pertaining to Douglass High Alumni and the Riverview-South Central Community will be listed here, with pictures where available. View older articles by clicking "Older Posts" at the bottom of this page.
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Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Gents to Gentlemen: Princes of Personality
Kingsport's Princes of Personality have been crowned, and what a fine group of young men have been recognized!
The 2013 edition of the "Gents to Gentlemen Male Pageant" was held on Saturday, October 19 at the Kingsport Civic Auditorium. The event is sponsored by the New Vision Youth, Kingsport Parks and Recreation and the Taylor-Hamilton Insurance Agency.
Host of the event was B.T. Tarter, and music was provided by Witness.
Nobody was on the losing end this particular Saturday night.
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
In the age divisions, Mr. Cutie Pie (ages birth to 4 years) is Quest Jani Hale, 22 months.
Mr. Gent (ages 5 to 12 Years) is 6-year old Micah Hale.
Mr. Gentleman (ages 1-to-18 years old) is 15-year old Tyrick Hale.
Mr. Smile (all ages) is 12-year old Nelson Overbey.
Mr. New Vision Youth (5-to-16 years old) is also Nelson Overbey.
Mr. Photogenic (all ages) is 2-year old Tresan Hamler.
Mr. Wiseman (19-to-49 years old) is 40-year year Brad McKee.
Mr. Congeniality (all ages) is 7-year old is Preston Fullen.
Mr. Best-dressed Male (all ages) is 10-year old Malachi Williams.
Mr. Man (ages 13 to-18 years old) is 15-year old Tyrick Hale.
Best Total Package (all ages) is a tie: 15-year old Tyrick Hale and Quest Naji Hale (22 months).
Mr. Handsome (all ages) is 7-year old Preston Fullen.
Brothers Domingo Hale and Kimario Hale both won the Prettiest Legs Contest, voted on by the audience.
Finally, the People's Choice contestant, als voted on by the people in the audience is 6-year old Micah Hale.
Judges for the 2013 "Gents to Gentlemen Male Pageant" were Autumn Brown, 2014 Miss Kingsport... Mark Kilgore, City of Kingsport Bays Mountain Planetarium.... Angel Blye, retired Kingsport substitute teacher... and Tonya Fields, Eastman employee.
Proceeds from the pageant benefit the Kingsport Literacy Council and the Sons and Daughters of Douglass Alumni Association, Inc.
Friday, October 25, 2013
WARNING! Roads to be Blocked in Riverview Again
Heads up to anyone in Riverview right now, or hoping to get into Riverview this coming Saturday!
The Haunted Half Marathon is being run in Kingsport on Saturday, October 26th, and you may find it difficult to get in and out of our community for several hours on that day.
Please see the map, and click on it to enlarge it (Riverview is in the lower right-hand corner at the bottom of the picture). Once again, runners in the marathon will run in a circular route from downtown Kingsport, down Sullivan Street, then right on Wilcox Boulevard and under the railroad underpass, down to the Toy Reid Eastman Employee Center, then north onto Industry Drive and all the way down to the Netherland Inn circle, and back around under the railroad underpass, and back to Center Street.
There are only 2 ways to get into Riverview, and this is the same route last year, that caused Lincoln-MLK Drive to be blocked by police for runners to pass, and the intersection of Wheatley and Industry Drive to be blocked also. Riverview is the only community of homes to be completely surrounded by the race route, and stands to be the most affected by roadblocks at both of its two entrances.
Since the many complaints from Riverview residents about being cut off from the rest of the city during the race, Haunted Half Marathon director Hank Brown has assured us that race administrators have consulted with Kingsport Police about access to the Riverview Community.
That remains to be seen.
Here is a link to the Douglass Website story from last year.
If you have trouble getting in and out of Riverview on Saturday, please let your Douglass website editor know and we will once again, adddress your concerns with Mr. Brown and the Kingsport Police Department. Our email is:
Monday, October 21, 2013
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Douglass Alumni Board Meeting on Saturday
The Douglass Alumni Board of Directors will meet in regular session this coming Saturday, October 19th, 2013.
The meeting will be at 1 PM, in the Eastman Conference Room at the V.O. Dobbins, Sr. Complex tower.
We have important issues to discuss, so board members and interested parties should make plans to attend.
Douglas Releford
Board President
The meeting will be at 1 PM, in the Eastman Conference Room at the V.O. Dobbins, Sr. Complex tower.
We have important issues to discuss, so board members and interested parties should make plans to attend.
Douglas Releford
Board President
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Remembering Vic Danger Through Your Continued Contributions
The fundraising continues for a very important cause, through the recent Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Light The Night Walk, held at LP Field this past Friday, October 11, 2013 in Nashville. The goal is to find better treatments and cures for blood cancers so patients can live better, longer lives. I'm asking you to help by making a tax-deductible contribution! Please use the link in this email to donate online quickly & securely. You will receive an email confirmation of your donation as soon as it is made. I thank you in advance for your support which will make a difference in the lives of thousands of patients battling blood cancers.
I really appreciate your generosity!!
Click here to make a contribution
Thank you,
Gretta Simon
Team Vic Danger
I'm sending and resending this!!!its the up most importance to donate to a great cause, it doesn't matter if its $1.00 or 20.00 is what comes from your heart!!those of you who know my son (LIL "VIC DANGER) Corey, his father is looking down from heaven and saying "AWWWW come on you guys lets get this done!!! his dad loved him and was one his great supporters, so dig deep down in your heart and think if this was your only way to stay alive is by donating a few bucks to keep my son alive, he is a great person and very loving husband, father, mentor and has more faith than I can explain has had to battle this for 30 years of his 37 years of his life, as his MOTHER those that have a child that has been in the hospital so many times , I have lost count, so let get this moving for he is so deserving and this is my truth and prayer that he be able to get a KIDNEY & PANCREAS TRANSPLANT, so he can enjoy the rest of his life, if you know him like I do you would love him as much, he is a good son, a great blessing that GOD has place on this EARTH thank you(HIS SO EVER LOVING MOTHER)
Click here to support KIDNEY& PANCREAS TRANSPLANT by Corey DeShawn Robinson
The fundraising continues for a very important cause, through the recent Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Light The Night Walk, held at LP Field this past Friday, October 11, 2013 in Nashville. The goal is to find better treatments and cures for blood cancers so patients can live better, longer lives. I'm asking you to help by making a tax-deductible contribution! Please use the link in this email to donate online quickly & securely. You will receive an email confirmation of your donation as soon as it is made. I thank you in advance for your support which will make a difference in the lives of thousands of patients battling blood cancers.
I really appreciate your generosity!!
Click here to make a contribution
Thank you,
Gretta Simon
Team Vic Danger
I'm sending and resending this!!!its the up most importance to donate to a great cause, it doesn't matter if its $1.00 or 20.00 is what comes from your heart!!those of you who know my son (LIL "VIC DANGER) Corey, his father is looking down from heaven and saying "AWWWW come on you guys lets get this done!!! his dad loved him and was one his great supporters, so dig deep down in your heart and think if this was your only way to stay alive is by donating a few bucks to keep my son alive, he is a great person and very loving husband, father, mentor and has more faith than I can explain has had to battle this for 30 years of his 37 years of his life, as his MOTHER those that have a child that has been in the hospital so many times , I have lost count, so let get this moving for he is so deserving and this is my truth and prayer that he be able to get a KIDNEY & PANCREAS TRANSPLANT, so he can enjoy the rest of his life, if you know him like I do you would love him as much, he is a good son, a great blessing that GOD has place on this EARTH thank you(HIS SO EVER LOVING MOTHER)
Click here to support KIDNEY& PANCREAS TRANSPLANT by Corey DeShawn Robinson
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Riverview Community Fall Clean-Up 2013
"It's good to see our community isn't as littered as it used to be."
Those words from a beaming Jeannie Hodges of event co-sponsor South Central Kingsport Community Development Corporation, as the annual Fall Clean-Up campaign in Riverview, netted only a few bags of trash and litter. The total trash collection this time, was almost 2/3rd's less than it usually is.
"Usually when the trash collectors come back, they've got bags and bags full of litter and debris," she says. "This time, they spent a lot less time out and that's a good thing. We're down to about an hour, maybe 90 minutes of collection time."
Adding to the lesser amount of trash picked up, was the fact that not that many folks showed up to participate in the clean-up. Back in the spring, 80 participants from the New Vision Youth to Kingsport Community Services came out to canvass the streets and alleys of Riverview. This time, about 40 members of New Vision Youth were out, with only two from Community Services.
Those words from a beaming Jeannie Hodges of event co-sponsor South Central Kingsport Community Development Corporation, as the annual Fall Clean-Up campaign in Riverview, netted only a few bags of trash and litter. The total trash collection this time, was almost 2/3rd's less than it usually is.
"Usually when the trash collectors come back, they've got bags and bags full of litter and debris," she says. "This time, they spent a lot less time out and that's a good thing. We're down to about an hour, maybe 90 minutes of collection time."
Adding to the lesser amount of trash picked up, was the fact that not that many folks showed up to participate in the clean-up. Back in the spring, 80 participants from the New Vision Youth to Kingsport Community Services came out to canvass the streets and alleys of Riverview. This time, about 40 members of New Vision Youth were out, with only two from Community Services.
"I think even the kids were surprised that they didn't have to work as hard this time around," says Mrs. Hodges.
Will there ever come a time when there is no trash to be picked up at all in Riverview?
"Wouldn't that be nice," Mrs. Hodges thought out loud. "We probably won't ever reach that goal, but it's a good one to shoot for.
Meanwhile, the lack of trash allowed folks to show off their fall flowers.
"It shows that people really care about their community."
Ronald Lindsey obituary
I have been looking for several weeks for the obituary for Riverivew's Ronald Lindsey, who passed away in Michigan this summer.
If anyone has that obituary, or can tell me where to find it, please let me know.
I need to post it in the PASSINGS AND OBITUARIES page.
If anyone has that obituary, or can tell me where to find it, please let me know.
I need to post it in the PASSINGS AND OBITUARIES page.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Monday, October 7, 2013
Farewell to the Flowers
As a consequence to the passing of summer into the impending chill of fall and the downright cold of winter.. all the local flowers and their pretty colors leave us.
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
To remember their pagentry and elegance, please enjoy this slideshow of the beautiful flowers in the V.O. Dobbins, Sr. Complex courtyard, from their peak during this past summer on Wheatley Street.
Soon, there will be flowers planted around the Douglass School state historical marker nearby.
As you peruse the splendid colors, be mindful of God's Creations, and how He always makes brilliant, and takes care of things He loves.
Your Douglass Website Editor
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
To remember their pagentry and elegance, please enjoy this slideshow of the beautiful flowers in the V.O. Dobbins, Sr. Complex courtyard, from their peak during this past summer on Wheatley Street.
Soon, there will be flowers planted around the Douglass School state historical marker nearby.
As you peruse the splendid colors, be mindful of God's Creations, and how He always makes brilliant, and takes care of things He loves.
Your Douglass Website Editor
Douglass Alumni Board Meeting 9/21/13 Odds & Ends

After President Douglas Releford brought the meeting to order and board member Ozine Bly gave the prayer, one little bit of unfinished business was performed.. the swearing-in of Recording Secretary Vicki Smith, who was absent from the ceremony a month ago. The minutes of the last meeting were accepted with a minor change or two, and the financial report was read and accepted.

The Sons and Daughters of Douglass, Inc. is a member in good standing with the Kingsport Chamber of Commerce. Members who attended the Chamber's annual dinner last year, and said many good things about the experience. The Board is already talking about attending next year's Chamber dinner on February 7th at Meadowview. The deadline to let the Chamber know of our intention to attend is October 25th.
Under new business, Calvin mentioned that the Kingsport Times-News had picked up the story on the Douglass website on the alumni scholarship program. The article he wrote, would be published under the "Sunday Stories" magazine in the newspaper on Sunday, September 22nd, featuring D-B graduate and football standout Brenton Leeper and how the scholarship helped him make ends meet in college.
One of the scholarships ran into a problem being credited to the appropriate school (Douglass scholarships are paid directly to the school's financial aid office in the name of the student awarded the scholarship), but Recording Secretary Vicki Smith is working to get that corrected.
Calvin told the group that, because of the tremendous response from alumni who purchased a Douglass auditorium seat to dedicate in honor of a loved alumnus, second and third sets of seats are being planned. James "Moose" Henry did a fine job of refinishing the first set, on display in the Douglass Community Room, and is being commissioned to do the additional sets of 4 seats apiece. Once those are done, the new sets, along with the current set in the Community Room, will be placed in their new home, just outside the Community Room, between the two double doors in front of the large display case. The dedication plaques are already done and are awaiting the re-finished seats.

NEXT DOUGLASS BOARD MEETING: Saturday, October 19, 2013 at 1 PM in the Eastman Conference Room of the V.O. Dobbins, Sr. Complex Tower.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Blake Leeper Joins Komen in "Race For The Cure"
Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure is proud to announce that U.S. Para Olympian Gold Medalist, Blake Leeper, who was raised in Kingsport, TN and attended Dobyns Bennett High School is joining Komen Tri-Cities to support National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (October) and is Racing along with us to raise awareness and to help bring an end to this disease.
Thank you Blake for turning your skates Pink and joining along with the thousands locally who support our Mission!!
The Susan G. Tri-Cities 8th Annual Race for the Cure, 5K Walk/Run event, is Sunday October 20, 3pm Memorial Park, Kingsport
Thank you Blake for turning your skates Pink and joining along with the thousands locally who support our Mission!!
The Susan G. Tri-Cities 8th Annual Race for the Cure, 5K Walk/Run event, is Sunday October 20, 3pm Memorial Park, Kingsport
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Knoxville Community Leader Receives National Recognition
National Urban League CEO Marc Morial presents Knoxville Area Urban League CEO Phyllis Nichols with the national 2013 Women of Power award, which recognizes leadership, vision and commitment to civil rights. |
The award recognized Nichols' effective leadership of the local affiliate and her contributions to the National Urban League, the nation's largest civil rights organization.
"She has built a strong, effective and respected affiliate here in Knoxville," said Morial, who served two terms as mayor of New Orleans before becoming president of the National Urban League. "She has been a leader in the internal councils of the Urban League movement and has been a strong voice for affiliates that come from medium-sized communities."
Nichols has been with KAUL since 1994 and has served as president and CEO since 2000. The native of Kingsport, TN and her husband, Jim, a Realtor, live in West Knoxville. They have two daughters and two grandchildren.
Morial presented the award at a reception sponsored by Moxley Carmichael and the Knoxville Area Urban League and attended by elected officials and business and community leaders. Moxley Carmichael CEO Cynthia Moxley is chair of the KAUL.
The reception and other activities Morial attended gave the national civil rights leader an opportunity to promote the Urban League's Jobs Rebuild America program. The $100 million program is aimed at fostering economic empowerment through support of education, jobs and entrepreneurship.
"It is the responsibility of our generation to pass the torch and make it better for the generation coming up," Morial said. "Our focus is on jobs and empowerment. Young people need to participate fully in the American economy. I urge you to support the work of the local Urban League."
The KAUL is also involved in promoting jobs and economic empowerment for all on the local level through training, mentoring, career building and job placement, as well as education and youth development programs.
The organization manages the National Achievers Society, recognizing students of color for their academic achievement, and the Digital Connectors program that teaches leadership and technical skills to students.
The KAUL provides shoes and school supplies each year to 1,000 young people in the "Shoes for School" program and assists adults in home ownership.
In addition to meeting with local business and community leaders, Morial met with KAUL board members and toured the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
About the Knoxville Area Urban League
Since 1968, the Knoxville Area Urban League has assisted disadvantaged people attain social and economic stability and self-sufficiency through direct services and advocacy. The League works to provide a skilled and diverse workforce; to increase homeownership; to support economic and small business development, and to enhance education efforts for our youth. The Knoxville Area Urban League is a United Way partner agency and affiliate of the National Urban League. The League's work and results are evident in the lives of the over 8,000 people it impacts each year. For more information, go to
For more information on the Knoxville Area Urban League and its programs, call 865-524-5511 or visit
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