The First Lady’s Night service begins at 7 p.m., Friday, Aug. 28, followed by worship at 11 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 30, and the installation ceremony at 4 p.m., Aug. 30.

. Dorcean, a native of East Orange, N.J., received a bachelor’s degree in religion and philosophy from Virginia Union University, Richmond, where he served as president of the Baptist Student Union, the Christian Club, and the Virginia Union University Concert and Gospel Choir. He attended Ebenezer Baptist Church serving in many capacities and was licensed to gospel ministry there in November 2003. He received a master of divinity degree in May 2006 from the Samuel DeWitt School of Theology at Virginia Union in May 2006. During that time he served as associate minister and assistant youth minister at St. James Baptist Church near Richmond. In May 2008, he joined Mount Pleasant Baptist Church, Washington, D.C., serving as associate minister and singles ministry director. He was ordained there on June 27, 2009. Dorcean is affiliated with the Baptist General Convention of Virginia, the American Baptist Churches USA, the Hampton Ministers’ Conference and Musicians’ Guild, the Baptist Ministers’ Conference of Richmond and Vicinity, and the Lott Carey Baptist Foreign Mission Convention.