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Thursday, May 7, 2009

A message to all members of The Kingsport Ebony Club Alumni Association

Members and Friends:

The registration deadline for the 2009 Reunion Weekend has been extended to Friday, June 6, 2009. If you have yet to mail in your registration form and full payment, I encourage you to do so now. Close to 40 people have already sent in their payments, so this July 4th weekend will definitely be one to remember. Mail your registration form and payment in TODAY, because I would hate for you to miss out on all the fun. We won't do it again until 2011.

During last night's Planning Committee Conference Call, the decision was made to open up the "Old-School Music After-Party" to both members and friends of the DBHS Ebony Club. If you send in your full payment today, your admission to the party and the other paid events (i.e., Comedy Hour with Tim Hall, Ebony Club Banquet) is covered. However, because we anticipate that there will be a number of our friends in Kingsport and elsewhere wanting to celebrate with us at the July 3rd After Party, we will access a $10 admission fee, which can be paid at the door.

I look forward to receiving your payments. Please SPREAD THE WORD to persons who have yet to join our network.


Jeff "Pac-Man" Faulkerson
DBHS Class of 1986
(919) 604-4585

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