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Sunday, May 3, 2009
Program on Internet Safety Offered by Weed and Seed
• KINGSPORT — South Central Kingsport Weed and Seed will launch a Project Safe Neighborhood program on cyberspace with an initial meeting at 6 p.m. Monday at the HOPE VI Fresh Start Center, 1140 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive. The program, designed for 30 students age 10 to 15, will look at various issues related to safety on the Internet including cyber bullying, the positive and negative aspects of social networking sites, the increased presence of pornography, and the need for continual family oversight of Internet use. The program will be facilitated by Penny Mosowski, a school resource officer; Raylene Stewart, a student at Milligan College and employee at Northeast State Technical Community College; and graduate students from East Tennessee State University. For more information call Mary H. Alexander at 392-2578.