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Friday, November 9, 2012
2012 Rudi Hall Golf Tournament - Kingsport
The spirit of golfer Rudi Hall of Kingsport lives on.
Even though the well-known golf master passed away in 2002, every year since then, his friends and loved ones play in the Rudi Hall Memorial Golf Tournament, raising money for scholarships for students.
"He was very good at helping golfers improve their game," says his widow Lou Etta Hall. "When he passed in March, 2002, (Shiloh Baptist Church) Pastor Kenneth Calvert proposed a tournament in his honor, and we've been playing ever since."
Mrs. Hall was pleased at the number of golfers at the Cattails at Meadowview Golf Course this year.
"Our number has varied over the years," she says. "We'll always have 15 to 20 golfers, and have had as many as 30. It's always a good turnout. We used to have the tournament in the spring, but with graduations, weddings and outdoor activities during the spring months, the players seem to like the weather in the fall now."
In addition to trophies, golfers also received door prizes and treats to keep up their strength on the course.
The event is sponsored by the South Central Kingsport Community Development Corporation, a non-profit 501(c)3 organization in Riverview.
Winners this year were:
First place: Steve Jones
Second place: Arthur Dunn
Third place: Stan Rogers
Fourth place: Rev. Kenneth Calvert
Fifth place: Charles Stover
Closest to pin: Charles Stover and Steve Jones
Longest drive: Steve Jones, Charles Stover, Rev. Kenneth Calvert