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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Minutes of the Sons & Daughters of Douglass Board Meeting - 11/19/11


Members In Attendance For Pancake Breakfast: Virginia Hankins, Ruth Russell, Thelma Watterson, Sheila Leeper, Andra Watterson, Calvin Sneed, Ozine Bly, Wallace Ross, Jr., Sandra Wilmer, Pamela Sensabaugh; Andra Watterson, Linda Bly, Frank Horton, Dee Dee Horton, Joy Hankins, Johnnie Mae Swagerty, New Vision Youth, and Vicki Smith.

Members In Attendance For Mtg: Ruth Russell, Pam Sensabuagh, Ozine Bly, Andra Watterson, Calvin Sneed, Frank Horton, Wallace W. Ross, Jr., Vicki Smith, Jenny Hankins, Kathy Evans, Lillian Leeper, Sandy Wilmer, Linda Bly, and Joy Hankins.

Old Business

Call to Order - Virginia Hankins, President

Prayer - Wallace W. Ross, Jr., Sergeant-at-Arms

Golf tournament for 2012 and Jenny has been getting letters ready to go out to sponsors. Our goal is $50,000 which is noted in the letter along with other amounts listed.

Calvin explained that Doug had sent in paperwork to the Corporations Division at the Tennessee Secretary of State's Office to change our name and that information has been received. Jenny sent in the letter for the name change along with the amendment to the charter to the Division of Charitable Solitations, but at the present time that office is not showing up as being received. Calvin will follow-up and fax a copy of the information needed to the Division of Charitable Solicitation.

Frank made a suggestion to send any mail out certified so we can receive notification of receipt. Vicki will be responsible to send out any documents via certified mail. Lillian stated that the bank information was correct regarding the cable transfer.

New Business

Calvin suggested linking up with and promoting other programs in the community. In doing so, (we) Sons & Daughters of Douglass, will be listed as a sponsor. Calvin made a motion that as we contribute to programs that do benevolence here in the community. Joy seconded and motion carried with (1) abstained. Jenny praised everyone for working together today and making the event a success! She stated that the alumni should stay active in order to network within the community.

Suggestions for other fundraisers were discussed for upcoming year. We do have a working office and will continue to keep the telephone service. Jenny stated that she and Wallace met with two gentlemen from Springville, TN that was inquiring how our alumni association began. They looked at our website and were inquisitive on trying to organize and revive their old school. A state historical commission representative has contacted Calvin regarding information on some of the Rosenwald schools in the area.

For future meetings here in the V.O. Dobbins building, Wallace will wait downstairs for all members to enter. This is to ensure the safety of all tenants in the building. Report from our treasurers on our fundraising today was $221 (bucket donations), $235 in checks, and $1,375 in money. We want future fundraising to include more seniors and maybe transport them to the event. The three top fundraisers were Vicki Smith, Thelma Watterson, & Virginia Hankins. Jenny opened discussion for dollar amount to give New Vision Youth and all agreed on $100.00. The children worked really hard and were excellent with their customer service skills.

Net of $1,110 after all expenses deducted. Treasurers are keeping their financial report for each meeting logged in a notebook. Kudos to our President, Jenny Hankins for her radio interview regarding the pancake breakfast. Tax-exempt number will have to be changed along with our name.

A picture is needed of our President and Treasurers opening our new account with Green County Bank.

A check will be submitted to the Chamber for our membership dues. The next meeting will be Saturday, January 21, 2012.

Joy made a motion for the alumni to have a Christmas party and bring a gift. Each person is responsible to pay for their meal. Frank seconded the motion and motion carried. Christmas gathering for the alumni will be at Longhorn’s Steakhouse on Saturday, December 17, 2011. Thelma will call to reserve seating and everyone will meet @ 7:00 p.m. A total of 17 names were drawn with a $10 limit for gifts. Please inform Thelma if you’re bringing a guest so there will be adequate seating.

No further business to discuss. Sandra made a motion to adjourn and motion seconded by Ruth. Our next alumni meeting to be held on Saturday, January 17, 2012 @ 1:00 p.m.

Meeting Adjourned.

Minutes Submitted By: Vicki Smith, Secretary