"A Piece of History"
Experience a piece of history by joining us on a trip to see the President Andrew Johnson Museum and the Nathaniel Greene Museum in Greeneville, Tennessee (Greene County is named after Nathaniel Greene). The museums will be representing Black History Month.

The tours will begin at 2:00 P-M, and dinner will be served at Ryan's around 4:15 P-M.
DATE: Saturday, February 21, 2009
TIME: 12 Noon (bus will depart from the V.O. Dobbins Community Center at 12:30 P-M.
PLACE: Greeneville, Tennessee
The field trip will be FREE to adults and youth. Kingsport Housing tenants' dinners will be paid for by the K.H.R.A. If you are not a housing tenant, dinner prices at Ryan's are: adults - $12.77, children ages 9-12 - $7.55 and ages 4-8 - $6.45.
The trip is sponsored by the New Vision Youth, Kingsport Parks and Recreation Community Services, and the South Central Kingsport Weed & Seed Corporation. To register and for more information, please call Johnnie Mae Swagerty at 423-246-6623 or Jason Wilburt at 423-246-4201.