The Kingsport Ebony Club is also looking for discussion on its upcoming reunion, to be held in conjunction with the Douglass Alumni Reunion on July 3rd, 4th and 5th, 2009.
Please click on the picture to print the form, so you can print it out, fill in and mail in.
Also, click on the link below to join the Ebony Club Forum to discuss the reunion with suggestions.
Ebony Club Reunion Planning Committee
The following is the tentative agenda for the Ebony Club Reunion, which closely parallels the Douglass Alumni Reunion:
***Friday, July 3rd
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Check-in and Registration, place TBA
7:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Comedy Hour (Tim Hall performing) and Old-School Music After-Party at Rascals
***Saturday, July 4th
7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Memorial Golf Tournament at Cattails at Meadowview Resort and Conference Center
11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Field Day at Douglass Ball Field
8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Ebony Club Banquet (place TBA)
***Sunday, July 5th
8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Attend church service of your choosing
During the July 4th banquet, we will be able to honor retired educators Lib Dudney and Dawnella Ellis. Gretta is also trying to pull together talent for an abbreviated Talent and Fashion Show.
We also formed subcommittees to put some meat on this rib bone (i.e., agenda). If you wish to serve on one or more of these subcommittees, please reach out to the subcommittee chairs listed below.
Check-in and Registration (Kandes Dungey)
Comedy Hour and Old-School Music After-Party (James "Trippy" Deal)
Memorial Golf Tournament (Frederick Smith, if he accepts my invitation)
Field Day (Gretta Maxwell Simon)
Ebony Club Banquet (Gretta Maxwell Simon)
We also agreed that payments received for the Reunion Weekend will be placed in the account of PRACTICAL SOLUTIONS Nonprofit Services Division (NSD) (i.e., my not-for-profit organization) because the Kingsport Ebony Club Alumni Association has yet to receive this designation. All monies received will be logged into a database, which will be forwarded to Kandes and members of her subcommittee for check-in and registration on Friday, July 3rd. Any remaining funds for our Reunion Weekend will be deposited into a new account, which I have agreed to set up at a later date on the association's behalf at Bank of America.
Because no plans are currently underway to incorporate the Kingsport Ebony Club Alumni Association, I believe temporarily maintaining these funds in my PRACTICAL SOLUTIONS NSD account will allow us to make donations to local charities. Many of us no longer live in Kingsport, and the only way we can make a difference in our home community is to create a scholarship fund (like the Douglass Alumni Association) or make mini-grants to deserving not-for-profit organizations. I'm willing to temporarily place the association under the auspices of PRACTICAL SOLUTIONS Nonprofit Services Division until we can hash out a viable plan for incorporation.
We discussed doing something to remember classmates who are no longer with us. Names of a few lost classmates were thrown out, but we need your help to generate a more comprehensive list. The finalized list could be printed on one sheet, or published with other information in a Reunion Weekend Souvenir Booklet.
We didn't discuss the souvenir booklet idea during the conference call, but I think it would be great. It would allow us to generate additional revenue for our events by giving area business owners an opportunity to purchase advertisement space (full, half, quarter) in the booklet. Members of the Reunion Weekend Planning Committee would assign prices to the different sizes, and these funds could be deposited into the yet to be created "Kingsport Ebony Club Alumni Association" bank account.
The Reunion Weekend Planning Committee will be conducting conference calls every Wednesday at 9:00 p.m. (EST). If you would like to participate in these calls, give me a call at (919) 562-8428 so your call can be connected. I also encourage each of you to join a subcommittee, so reach out to the assigned subcommittee chairs ASAP.
Be blessed, and continue to be a blessing.
Jeff "Pac-Man" Faulkerson
DBHS Class of 1986