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Thursday, February 12, 2009

UPDATED Douglass School Book List for February 16, 2009 Book Fair


Adams Jr., George (20th Century Bookkeeping & Accounting)
Adams, Ruben (Making Mathematics Work)
Adams, Ruben (Story of Our America)
Adams, William (English Grade 7)
Anderson, Iris Lee (Using Words)(same book as Pat Anderson, Mildred Gillenwater,
Pauline Horton, Luther Graves Jr.)
Anderson, Joe--GATE CITY, VA (Our Environment)
Anderson, Pat (Using Words)(same book as Mildred Gillenwater, Pauline Horton, Luther
Graves Jr., Iris Lee Anderson

Bachman, Shirley (Consumer Economic Problems )(same book as Priscilla Etter)
Banner, Annie Lois (On the Long Road-reading book)(same book as Gwedolyn Burnette)
Banner, Bennie (Prose & Poetry)(same book as Jerry Horton, Eugenia Mason)
Ballenger, James (My Spelling 6th Grade)
Bly, Linda Christine (To School & Home Again-reading book)
Blye, Linda C (Prose & Poetry)
Blye, Nathan (English in Action)
Bogus, Mary Ann (Adventures in Reading)(same book as James Simonton Jr.)
Bond, Darwin (Arithmetic We Need)
Bond, Pvt. John (20th Century Typewriting)(same book as Lorraine Maxwell, Dorothy
Bond, Marvin (Arithmetic We Need)
Bond, Regina (Language for Everyday Use-5th Grade)
Bowditch, Janice (You & Science)
Bradford, Carl (Spelling to Write)(same book as Elizabeth Rutledge, Roy Eugene
Bradford, Glenna (English in Action)
Bradford, Roy Eugene (Spelling to Write)(same book as Carl Bradford, Elizabeth
Bradley, Audrey (New Spelling Goals)
Bradley, Audrey (Experimenting in Science)
Bradley, Audrey (Living Together in the Old World)
Briscoe, Alma (Man's Story)(same book as George Turner)
Bristol, Fredia (The United States in the Western World)(same book as Sarah Ann
Bristol, Patricia (Science)(same book as Alice Arthurine Doneghy)
Bristol, Patricia (How & Why Club)(same book as Deborah Delaney)
Burnette, Gwendolyn (On the Long Road-reading book)(same book as Annie Lois Banner)
Burnette, Jackie (Exploring Biology)(same book as Florence Ray)
Burnette, Jackie Sue (Science)
Burnette, Major (New Applied Mathematics)(same book as Loftus Smith)

Calloway, George (Making Mathematics Work)
Calloway, George (My Spelling Grade 4)(same book as Vera Stokley, Mary Ellen Cox)
Campbell, Barbara Lynn (New Standard Arithmetic)
Campbell, Denese (You and Others)(same book as B.B. Long)
Campbell, Georgian (On the Long Road)
Campbell, John (Living Together in the Americas)
Cash, David (English Grade 8)
Cash, Donald (Distant Doorways)(same book as Lanetta Lee)
Cash, Nathan (How & Why Conclusions)
Carnes, Billy (The United States in the Western World)
Carnes Jr., Billy Gene (Consumer Economics Problems)
Carnes, Leon (Active Citizenship)
Carpenter, Jimmy (New Spelling Goals)(same book as Regina Carpenter, Robert Hardy,
Carmetia Hardy)
Carpenter, Regina (New Spelling Goals)(same book as Jimmy Carpenter, Robert Hardy,
Carmetia Hardy)
Cash, David (On the Long Road)
Cash, David (The Way of Democracy)
Childs, Ann (Living Together in the Americas)
Childs, Sarah Ann (The United States in the Western World)(same book as Fredia
Clark, Martha (Literature & Life in England)(same book at Irene Maxwell)
Coclough, Daimon (Lanuage for Everyday Use)
Coclough, Daimon (Living Together in the Western World)
Coclough, Daimon (New Spelling Goals)(same book as Louis Jackson, Prince Miller,
Johnny Lee)
Coclough, Linda (Adventures of the American People)
Coclough, Linda (For Heathy Living, The Road to Health)
Cole, Ann (New Spelling Goals)
Cole, Douglas (Adventures in Reading-9th Grade)
Cole, Joe (Living Together in the Old World-6th Grade)
Comage, Doreatha (One the Long Road)
Cox, Linda Urtis (Plane Geometry)
Cox, Mary Ellen (The United States in the Western World)(same book as Melvyn Douglas
Cox, Mary Ellen (My Spelling Grade 4)(same book as Vera Stokley, George Calloway)
Cox, Mary Ellen (Prose and Poetry)
Cunningham, Janice (English Grade 4)

Davis, Curtis (New Applied Mathemetics)
Davis, Curtis (A Sound Body)(same book as Linda Etter, John Lewis)
Davis, Gloria (Health & Happy Days)
Davis, Hilda (New Spelling Goals)
Davis, Hope (New Spelling Goals)
Davis, Hope (New Friendly Village)(same book as Sherry Russell)
Davis, Marshall Lee (Living Together in the Old World)
Davis, Marshall Lee (Our United States)(same book as Rowena Foster)
Davis, Melody (Language for Everyday Use)
Deadrick, Glenda (Experimenting in Science)
Deadrick, Glenda (Thinking with Numbers Grade 7)
Deadrick, Glenda (New Thinking with Numbers 7)
Delaney, Deborah (How & Why Club)(same book as Patricia Bristol)
Delaney, Deborah (Adventures in Reading 9-A)
Delaney, Deborah (Your Health & Safety)
Delaney, Deborah (Building Better English)
Delaney, Deborah (Growth in Arithmetic)(same book as Almita Jackson)
Delaney, Frederick (Spelling Goals)
Delaney Jr., James (Our Changing Social Order-12th Grade)
Delaney Jr., James (New Applied Mathematics)(same book as Dora Sara Good-Robinson
Delaney, Jr., James (New Applied Mathematics)
Delaney, John (The Health Parade)
Delaney, John (Our Environment)
Delaney, Taina (People & Progress)
Delaney, Taina (Second Year Algebra)(same book as Phylis Horton)
Dobbins, Maxie (Plane Geometry)(same book as Yvonne Deal)
Dobbins, Maxie (Everyday Foods)
Dobbins, Maxie (New Applied Mathematics)
Dobbins, Melrose (Everyday Foods)
Dobbins, Van (Consumer Economic Problems)
Dokes, Adell (Sunshine Book Prose & Poetry)(same book as James Dulaney)
Doneghy, Alice (United States in the Western World)(same book as Marie Simpson)
Doneghy, Alice Arthurine (Your Health & Safety)
Doneghy, Alice Arthurine (Science)(same book as Patricia Bristol)
Dover, Lestine (New Learning with Numbers)(same book as Cornell Bond)
Drumgoole, Melvin (Sunshine Book)
Dulaney, Carolyn (TN Civics-Fundementals of Citizenship)

E, F
Edward, Clay (?) (Safety Every Day-1949)
Ellis, Dawnella (Health in Work & Play)
Ellis, Mack (Prose & Poetry)
Ellis, Robert (For Healthful Living)(same book as Martha Lee)
Etter, Linda (A Sound Body)(same book as Curtis Davis, John Lewis)
Etter, Linda Marie (French for the Modern World)(Mrs. Dorton-teacher)
Etter, Priscilla (Consumer Economic Problems)(same book as Shirley Bachman)
Evans, ? (Safety Every Day-Health)(same book as Clara Mae Lewis)
Evans, William Earl (Thinking with Numbers)
Finch, Timothy (Living Together in the Old World)
Flack, Anthony (Sunsine Book Prose & Poetry)
Flack, Arthur (Knowing About Numbers Grade 8)(same book as Vera Stokely)
Ford, Dobie (Growth in Arithmetic 5)
Ford, Margaret (Science)
Ford, Margaret (Prose and Poetry)
Ford, Tommy (The United States in the Western World)
Ford, Tommy (Making Mathematics Work)(same book as Charlyne Deal)
Foster, Barbara (My Spelling)
Foster, Marion (A History of our Country)(same book as George Turner, Jr)
Fugate, William Charles (Our Changing Social Order)

Garrett, Pierce (The New Friendly Village)(same book as Jerry Green)
Gibson, Lois (New Applied Mathemetics)
Gillenwater, Mildred (Using Words)(same book as Pat Anderson, Pauline Horton, Luther
Graves Jr., Iris Lee Anderson)
Gilmore, Edward Allen (Visits in Other Lands)
Gilmore, Gregory (The New People and Progress)
Gilmore, James (Bookkeeping & Accounting)
Gilmore, James--The Round One (20th Century Bookkeeping and Accounting)
Gilmore, Joe (Your Health & Safety)
Gilmore, Joe (Adventures in Reading)
Gilmore, Joe (New Spelling Goals)(same book as Ronald Ruffin)
Gilmore, Joseph (You and Others)
Goodwin, Kathryn (Our English Language)
Gaines, James (Winter Comes and Goes)
Graves, David Leon (Plane Geometry)
Graves, Leon (Chemistry & You)
Gray, Norma Lee (Plane Geometry)(same book as Dorothea Valjean Smith)
Gray, Rosemary (The Story of Tennessee)(same book as Eugene Kincaid)
Gray, Miss Rosemary (Exploring Biology)
Green, Bertie (Prose and Poetry)(same book as Alvin Kane, James Perry)
Green, Bertie (Our English Language)
Green, Jerry (The New Friendly Village)(same book as Pierce Garrett)
Greene, Charles (More Days & Deeds)
Griffin, Stewart (The New Friendly Village)(same book as Nelson Smith, James Treece,
Michael Lee)
Grino, Velma (Safety Every Day)
Grissom, Velma (Sunshine Book Prose & Poetry)(same book as Nelson Smith)
Grisson, Velma (TN Civics-Fundamentals of Citizenship)(same book as Donald Lynch,
Carolyn Smith)

Hale, Eddie (The Firelight Book-Reading Book)
Hale, Freddie Lee Moore)(French in the Modern World)
Hale, Freddie Lee Moore)(Our Changing Social Order)
Hankins, Joy (The Sunshine Book)(same book as Betty Ann Turner, John Lewis)
Hankins, Norman (Traveling New Trails)
Hardy, Claudia (Science)(same book as Cletta Rutledge, Thelma Rutledge)
Hardy, Robert (New Spelling Goals)(same book as Jimmy Carpenter, Regina Carpenter,
Carmetia Hardy)
Harrill, James (The New Friends and Neighbors)
Hemphill, Pricilla (Changing Civilizations in Modern World)(same book as
Wilbur Hendricks Sr., Lloyd Hankins, Virgilia Looney, Linda Lee Hendricks)
Hendricks, Janice (Living Together in the Old World)
Hendricks, Linda Lee (Changing Civilizations in Modern World)(same book as
Pricilla Hemphill, Wilbur Hendricks Sr., Lloyd Hankins, Virgilia Looney)
Hendricks Sr., Wilbur (Changing Civilizations in Modern World-1930 (same book as
Pricilla Hemphill, Lloyd Hankins, Virgilia Looney, Linda Lee Hendricks)
Henry or Henery, Donald (Distant Doorways-reading book)
Henry, T-Bug (Builders for Good Health, same book as Herbert Patterson)
Hickman, William (New Friendly Village)(same book as Patricia Lollar, Wilbur
Hickman, (?) (New Streets and Roads)
Hoard, Thelma J. (Exploring Biology)
Horton, Calvin (Arithmetic We Need)(same book as Yvonne Reese)
Horton, Elnora (20th Century Bookkeeping & Accounting)
Horton, Jerry (Prose & Poetry)(same book as Bennie Banner, Eugenia Mason)
Horton, Lillian (Sunshine Book)(same book as Fay Mason)
Horton, Phylis (Second Year Algegra)(same book as Taina Delaney)
Horton, Phylis (Winter Comes and Goes)(same book as Florence Ray)
Horton, Sinora (Industry in America LIB)(same library book as Josephine Bowers)
Huff, Katherine (Discovering With Science)
Huff, Zoffree (English Grade 8)(same book as Shirley Ann Lollar)
Hutcherson, Ora Lee (Social Studies-Man's Story)

I, K, J
Jackson, Almita (Growth in Arithmetic)(same book as Deborah Delaney)
Jackson, Eddie (Story of Tennessee)
Jackson, Eddie (A Sound Body)
Jackson, Eddie (Prose & Poetry)
Jackson, Eddie (How & Why Conclusions)
Jackson, Louise (New Spelling Goals)(same book as Daimon Coclough, Prince Miller,
Johnny Lee)
Jeffers, Annie Bell (Let's Travel On-1940)
Jenkins, Kernes (Our Changing Social Order)
Jenkins, Kernes (New Applied Mathemathics)
Jones, Clara (Social Studies)(same book as Connie Ruffin, Helen Watterson)
Jones, Clara (Health and Happy Days)(same book as Ronald Lynch)
Jones, Eddie (Your Health & Safety)
Jones, Eddie Lee (Your Health & Safety)
Jones, Jerry)(Living Together in the Americas)
Jones, Lawrence (Social Living)
Kincaid, Eugene (The Story of Tennessee)(same book as Rosemary Gray)
Kincaid, Eugene (Adventures in Reading)(same book as Marva Welchel, Leola Gray)
Kincaid, Don (Health & Happier Days)(same book as Michael Williams)

Kinchloe, Donald (Growth in Arithmetic)
Kinchloe, Melvyn (The United States in the Western World)
Kinchloe, Melvyn Douglass (The United States in the Western World )(same book as
Mary Ellen Cox)
Kirkpatrick Jr., Carl (Using Words)

Lane, Jeane Bachman (How & Why Explorations)
Lee, Johnny (New Spelling Goals)(same book as Louise Jackson, Daimon Coclough,
Prince Miller)
Lee, Lanetta (Distant Doorways)(same book as Donald Cash)
Lee, Martha (For Healthful Living)(same book as Robert Ellis)
Lee, Michael (The New Friendly Village)(same book as Nelson Smith, James Treece,
Stewart Griffin)
Lee, Spencer (Plane Geometry)
Lee, Talmon (Experimenting in Science)(same book as Jerry Lewis, Arthur Morrison)
Leeper, Frances (French for the Modern World)
Leeper, Laura (Our Changing Social Order)
Lewis, Clara Mae (Safety Every Day-Health)(same book as ? Evans)
Lewis, Clifford (Prose & Poetry)(same book as Frank Horton)
Lewis, Jerry (Experimenting in Science)(same book as Arthur Morrison, Talmon Lee)
Lewis, John (TN Civics-Fundamentals of Citizenship)
Lewis, John (A Sound Body)(same book as Curtis Davis, Linda Etter)
Lewis, Will (Your Health & Safety)
Lewis, Will (Growth in Arithmetic)
Lilley, Mildred (Wheeler's Literary Readers)
Lindsay, Ronald (On the Long Road-reading)
Lindsey, Sharon (Making Mathematics Work)
Lollar, Elizabeth (My Spelling Goals)
Lollar, Helen (English Grade 6)
Lollar, Huphelia (Man's Story)(same book as Shirley Lynch)
Lollar, Patricia (New Friendly Village)(same book as William Hickman, Wilbur
Hendricks Jr.)
Lollar, Shirley (United States in the Western World)(same book as Wanda Watterson)
Lollar, Shirley (My Spelling Grade 6)
Lollar, Shirley (Geography Around the World)
Lollar, Shirley (Wings for Reading)
Lollar, Shirley Ann (English Grade 8)(same book as Zoffree Huff)
Long, B.B. (You and Others)(same book as Denese Campbell)
Long, Eddie "Good Looks" (Plane Geometry)
Looney, Virgilia (changing Civilizations in Modern World(same book as Linda Lee
Hendricks, Pricilla Hemphill, Wilbur Hendricks, Lloyd Hankins)
Lynch, Donald (Active Citizenship)
Lynch, Donald Edward (TN Civics-Fundamentals of Citizenship)(same book as Velma
Grissom, Carolyn Smith)
Lynch Jr., Frank (English in Action)(same book as Bravell McClintock)
Lynch, Jonathan (New Learning Numbers 4th Grade)(same book as Carolyn Simpson)
Lynch, Ronald (Health and Happy Days)(same book as Clara Jones)
Lynch, Shirley (English Grade 8)
Lynch, Shirley Ann (My Spelling Grade 6)
Lynch, Shirley Ann (Man's Story)(same book as Huphelia Lollar)

Manning, (Mademoiselle) Janis (Economics in Everyday Life)
Marble, Darlene (Fundamentals of Citizenship-TN Civics)
Marble, Leroy (Health in Work and Play)
Marble, Leroy (Prose and Poetry)
Mason, Eugenia (Prose & Poetry)(same book as Jerry Horton, Bennie Banner)
Mason, Fay (Sunshine Book)(same book as Lillian Horton)
Mason, Frances (Living Together in the Old World)
Maxwell, Elizabeth (How and Why Conclusions)
Maxwell, Elizabeth (Nations Overseas)
Maxwell, Irene (Literature & Life in England)(same book as Martha Clark)
Maxwell, Joe Louis (Jr. English in Action)(same book as Priscilla Smith)
Maxwell, Lorraine (20th Century Typewriting)(same book as Pvt. John Bond, Dorothy
Mays Jr., Wilton (Health in Work & Play)
Mays, Wilton Edward (Our United States)
McClintock, Bravell (English in Action)(same book as Frank Lynch, Jr.)
McLemore, Jackie (English in Action)
McLemore, Jackie (Chemistry and You)
McMiller, Edward (The Story of Our America)(same book as Douglass Releford)
McMiller, James (New Applied Mathematics)(same book as Betty Turner)
McMiller, Joe Allen (The United States in the Western World)
McMiller, William (English Grade 8)
McMiller, William (Prose and Poetry-Blue Skybook)
McKnight, Clarence (Thinking with Numbers)
McKnight, Clarence (Health in Work & Play)
Miller, Bobby (Sunshine Book)
Miller, Cora (Our English Language)
Miller, Edward Lee (New Applied Mathmetics)(same book as Joan Shannon)
Miller, Glenda (Experimenting in Science)
Miller, Glenda Sue (Using Words)
Miller Jr., James (Our Environment)
Miller Jr., Jemes (Our United States)
Miller, Linda (Fundamentals of Citizensship-TN)
Miller, Prince (New Spelling Goals)(same book as Louise Jackson, Daimon Coclough,
Johnny Lee)
Miller, Teresa (Language for Daily Use 6)
Miller Jr., Walter (A Sound Body)
Mitchell, Alan (Singing Every Day)
Moore, Harold (The Health Parade)
Moore, William (Practical Chemistry-1926)
Morrison, Freeman (Our United States)
Morrison, Talmon (Experimenting in Science)(same book as Jerry Lewis, Talmon Lee)

Nash, James (Prose & Poetry)(same book as Carolyn Reece)
Norwood, Kathy (You and Others)
Norwood Jr., Thomas (French for the Modern World)

O, P
Parker, Pinkie Lee (Lynch, KY)(Intro to American Civilization)
Patterson, Hank (Language for Daily Use)
Patterson, Herbert (Builders for Good Health)(same book as T-Bug Henry)
Perry, James (Making Mathematics Work)
Perry, James (Prose & Poetry)(same book as Alvin Kane, Bertie Green)
Perry, James (Science)(same book as Leona Whittington)
Pierce, Veronia (French for the Modern World)
Price, Linda Lee (How & Why Conclusions)

Q, R
Rasbury, Ann (Plane Geometry)
Ray, Florence (Winter Comes and Goes)(same book as Phylis Horton)
Ray, Florence (Exploring Biology)(same book as Jackie Burnette)
Reece, Jean (Geography & World Affairs)
Reece, Carolyn (How & Why Conclusions)
Reece, Carolyn (Prose & Poetry)(same book as James Nash)
Releford, David (Singing Every Day)
Releford, Harry (Growth in Arithmetic)
Releford, Raymond (How & Why Explorations)
Releford, Raymond (Nations Overseas)
Rhea, Florence (Story of Our America)
Richard, Juanita Louise (Let's Travel On)
Rogers, Carmen (Prose & Poetry-5th Grade)
Rogers, Doris (For Healthful Living)
Ruffin, Connie (Social Studies)(same book as Clara Jones, Helen Watterson)
Ruffin, Ronald (New Spelling Goals)(same book as Joe Gilmore)
Rutledge, Cletta (Science)(same book as Thelma Rutledge, Claudia Hardy)
Rutledge, Elizabeth (Spelling to Write)(same book as Carol Bradford, Roy Eugene
Rutledge, James (Consumer Economic Problems)
Rutledge, James (Prose & Poetry)(same book as Rowena Foster)
Rutledge, Thelma (Science)(same book as Cletta Rutledge, Claudia Hardy)

Sanders, Blanche Deloris (A Sound Body-Health)
Sanders, James Alfred (English Grade 5)
Sanford, Bobby (Living Together in the Old World)
Scoggins, Dianne (The Health Parade)
Scroggins, John (Nations Overses)
Sensabaugh, Dorothy (20th Century Typewriting)(same book as Pvt. John Bond, Lorraine
Shannon, Joan (New Applied Mathmetics)(same book as Edward Lee Miller)
Simonton Jr, James (Adventure in Reading)(same book as Mary Ann Bogus)
Simpson, Carolyn (New Learning about Numbers)(same book as Jonathan Lynch)
Simpson, Dianne (TN Civics-Fundamentals of Citizenship)
Simpson, Joe Louis (Active Citizenship)
Simpson, Marie (United States in the Western World)(same book as Alice Doneghy)
Skaggs, Frederick (Experimenting with Science)(same book as Thelma Skaggs)
Skaggs, Thelma (Jr. English in Action)
Skaggs, Thelma (Our United States)
Skaggs, Thelma (Experimenting with Science)(same book as Frederick Skaggs)
Smith, Betty Jo (Literature & Life in England)
Smith, Carolyn (TN Civics-Fundamentals of Citizenship)(same book as Donald Lynch,
Velma Grissom)
Smith, Dorothea (French for the Modern World)
Smith, Dorothea Valjean (Plane Geometry)(same book as Norma Lee Gray)
Smith, George (You and Others)
Smith, Howard (Growth in Arithmetic)
Smith, James (The Earth We Live On)
Smith, Loftus (How & Why Conclusions)
Smith, Loftus (New Applied Mathematics)(same book as Major Burnette)
Smith, Nelson (Sunshine Book Prose & Poetry)(same book as Velma Grissom)
Smith, Nelson (The New Friendly Village)(same book as James Treece, Michael Lee,
Stewart Griffin)
Smith, Nelson (Knowing About Numbers)
Smith, Olivia (Active Citizenship)
Smith, Patricia (Plane Geometry)
Smith, Paula Dean (2nd Year Algebra-10th Grade)
Smith, Phyllis Ann (Everyday Problems in Science)(same book as Betty Lucille Turner)
Smith, Priscilla (Jr. English in Action)(same book as Joe Louis Maxwell)
Spears, David "The Jailbird" (20th Century Bookkeeping & Accounting)
Steele, Mary (The Health Parade)
Stewart, Louetta (People and Progress)
Stevens, Stephanie (How & Why Experiments)
Stokley, Samuel Grinnell (New Thinking with Numbers)
Stokley, Vera (French for the Modern World)
Stokley, Vera (On the Long Road-Reading Book)
Stokley, Vera (Knowing About Numbers Grade 8)(same book as Arthur Flack)
Stokley, Vera (United States in the Western World)
Stokley, Vera (My Spelling Grade 4)(same book as Mary Ellen Cox, George Calloway)
Stokley, Willie Kate (Active Citizenship)
Summers, Betsy Ann (Social Living)(same book as Valencia Summers)
Summers, Valencia (Social Living)(same book as Betsy Ann Summers)

Taylor, Edith (Plane Geometry)(same book as James Deal)
Thomas, Horace (Prose and Poetry)
Thompson, Joseph (Experimenting in Science)
Thompson, Joseph (Adventures in Appreciation)
Treece, Carolyn (The United States in the Western World)
Treece, Carolyn Mae (Growth in Arithmetic 7)
Treece, Michael (The New Friendly Village)(same book as Nelson Smith, Michael Lee,
Stewart Griffin)
Truelove, Harry (Story of Nations)
Turner, Betty (New Applied Mathematics )(same book as James McMiller)
Turner, Betty Ann (The Sunshine Book)(same book as Joy Hankins, John Lewis)
Turner, Betty Lucille (Everyday Problems in Science)(same book as Phyllis Ann Smith)
Turner, George (Man's Story)(same book as Alma Briscoe)
Turner Jr., George Robert (A History of Our Country)(same book as Marion Foster)

U, V
Vinson, Naomi (Our United States)
Vinson, Naomi (Thinking with Numbers 7)

Walker, John (The Enchanted Past-Reading book)
Walls Jr., Arthur (Health & Happy Days)
Washington, Gary (Find Out Book-1938)
Watterson, Andra (Prose and Poetry)
Watterson, Claudine (On the Long Road-reading book)
Watterson, Freddie (Word Master Speller)
Watterson, Helen (Social Studies)(same book as Clara Jones, Connie Ruffin)
Watterson, Wanda (United States in the Western World)(same book as Shirley Lollar)
Whelchel, Marva (Doing Your Best of Health)
Whelchel, Marva (Adventures in Reading)(same book as Eugene Kincaid, Leola Gray)
Whittington, Cora (The Story of Our America)
Whittington, Leona (Science)(same book as James Perry)
Williams, Loretta (New Spelling Goals)
Williams, Michael (Health & Happier Days)(same book as Don Kincaid)
Williamson, Jessie Mae (Lefty)(Active Citizenship)
Worley, David (Experimenting in Science)

X, Y, Z
Young, Billy (How & Why Experiments)
Young, Charlotte (Our Environment)
Young, Korey (?)(New Spelling Goals)
Young, Jimmy (How & Why Explorations-Science)
Young, Phyllis Annette (Prose and Poetry)


"Aunt Joe's Scrap Bag"
Bradford, Glenna
Foster, Rowena
Giles, J
Green, Bertie
Pierce, Veronica
Skaggs, Barbara
Webb, Roberta
Worley, Lorraine

"Wild Animals I Have Known"
Armstrong, Joe (2-22-40)
Leeper, Clay (Room 5-1939)

"Beggars of Dreams"
Bell, Loretta
Henson, Elizabeth
McMiller, D.
Rogers, Lynetta

Perry, James (checked out 3 times, fined $0.02)

Cox, Linda Lee
Dulaney, Thelma
Foster, Joane
Goodson, Joyce
Gray, Linda
Hairston, Shirley
Hamilton, Paula
Henderson, Elizabeth
Hicks, Brenda
Lollar, Betty Donald
Mason, Ellen
Smith, Carolyn
Taylor, Edith
Turner, Freda

"Everyday Foods"
Watterson, A.

"Far East in the Modern World"
Hendricks Jr., Wilbur
Truelove, Harry

"Family Troupe"
Bond, Shirley
Taylor, Ronald

"First Book of Dolls"
Coclough, Terry Ann
Delisa (?)
Diana (?)
Foster, Valerie
Harris, Carlitta
Hoard, Pat
Jones, Eula (overdue May 17, 1965)
Leeper, Patricia
Margaret (?)
Mary Helen (?)
Sabrina (?)
Simpson, Dianne

"Five Little Peppers and How They Grew"
Anderson, (?)
Hayes, Billy
Jackson, Majorie
Pyles, Shirley
vinson, Naomi

"White Gull Flying"
Gray, Judy

"The Green Man"
Frances Mason
Arthur Morrison
Jennifer Delaney

"Ready Made Family"
James Delaney,
Irene Simpson
Evelyn Lollar
Lestine Dover

"Pamela & the Blue Mare"
Leola Gray
Larry Greene
Joy Hankins
Joane Foster
Virginia Hankins
Ruth Vinson

"Chalice, A Novel"
Mrs. Weaver

"Dusty Star"
Don (62)
Goodwin, Mose (53)
Hankins, Norman (57)
Lollar, Helen (62)
McMiller, Dwike (65)
Miller, Prince (63)
Saunders, R. (65)
Sensabaugh, Hoover (47)
Smith, Lula (43)
"America Rides the Liners"
Freeman Morrison
Evelyn Lollar

"Lost Island"
James Sanders
Harold Shoemaker

"Source Book in European Government"
Gill, Mr. (Oscar)

"Improvement of Basic Reading Abilities"
Cox, Cora
Hickman, Helen

"Peggy Covers The News"
Bradford, Glenna
Burnette, Major
Flack, Carolyn
Green, Carrie
Lollar, Frieda
Young, Charlotte
Mason, Frances
Shirley, Hairston

Burnette, Jackie
Clark, Frances
Comage, Dorothea
Hendricks, Janice
Hicks, Brenda
Maxwell, Joe Ann
Underwood, Sandra
Vinson, Naomi

"Modern Medical Discoveries"
Campbell, Linda
Cox, Linda
Hankins, Norman
Pierce, Anna
Smith, Estella
Smith, Olivia
Simonton Jr., James
Stafford, Cheyenne
Stafford, Janice
Turner, George
Turner, Lee
Turney, Leroy
Woods, Eugene
Young, Charlotte

"Mystery of Seven Gables"
Bristol, Patricia
Carnes, Mary Jane
Carver, Mary
Hairston, Shirley
Hood, James
Watterson, Jean

"Neighbors in Latin America"
Bowers, Mrs.
Cash, Nathaniel
Hampton, Deborah
Henry, Margaret
Lytle, Rodney Lee
Smith, Nelson

"Problems in American Democracy"
Bristol, Edith
Burnette, Jackie
Calloway, George
Deadrick, Glenda (fined $0.72)
Deal, James
Dobbins, Van
Etter, Linda
Hairston, Shirley
Mason, Eugenia
Mason, Frances
Perry, Floyd
Sensabaugh, Harold
Scoggins, John
Stokley, William
Taylor, Brenda
Wood, James

"Troupers of the Gold Coast"
Lollar, Helen

"How to Conduct a Citizens School"
Gill, O.R.

"Popular Commencement Book"
Hankins, Joy
Henry, Mary
Long, Mrs.

"Barletts of Box B Ranch"
Brown, Brenda
Hankins, Norman

"A Dog's Head"
Bond, Shirley
Calloway, Charles
Calloway, George
Cole, Douglas
Goodwin, Mose
Jones, Rolax
Lynch, Kenneth
Maxwell, Elizabeth
Releford, Pearl
Swafford, James

"Le Miserables"
Delaney, Carolyn
Edwards, John
Reece, Carolyn

"Madmen's Memory"
Hairston, Shirley
Lollar, Evelyn
Rogers, Lynetta

"Apples by Ocean"
Horton, Freddie
Jenkins, Kernes
Johnson, Capurs
Lee, Talmon
Long, Benjamin (fine $0.72)

"Early Journeys in Science"

"Industry in America"
Bowers, Mrs. (Josephine)
Horton, Sinora

"Productive Vegetable Growing"
Armstrong, Joe
Bristol, Robert
Cox, Cora
Dobbins, V.O. (checked out, 1944)
Gilmore, Edward
Thompson, Marie

"The Hour Glass"
Anderson, Jack
Hayes, Billie
Horton, Edward
Lyle, Shirley
Stewart, Johnny

"Artificial Sunlight"
Deal, James
Rutledge, Eugenia

"Early Cave Men"
Coclough, Daimon
Kincaid, Marilyn

Bradley, Miss
Cox, Mr.
McMiller, James
Weed, Miss

"Drinking in College"
Horton, Jerry
Simonton Jr., James

"The World, Its Lands and Peoples"
Nathaniel Cash
Phylis Horton


"All Children Want to Learn" - Mrs. Cora Cox
"Industry in America) - Josephine Bowers, Sinora Horton
"Active Citizenship" - Jessie Charles
"Dailyaide 1952" - John Cox, Jr.
"Daily Aid" - John Cox, Jr.
"The New Streets & Roads" - Thelma Webb
"Health in Work & Play" - Josephine Solomon
"Health in Work & Play" - Josephie Solomon, Leroy Marble
"Modern Health" - Mrs. S.N. Shannon