See the countdown clock above?
It is now counting down the days, minutes and seconds to the time when the Kingsport Board of Mayor and Aldermen will vote in a work session, whether to fund the planned renovations for our beloved and historic Douglass High School Building. The funding will come up for a vote on the B-M-A agenda after discussion, next Monday, May 24, 2008, at 3 PM, in the City Hall Council Room, located on the Second Floor of City Hall on Center Street.
The United Way, the American Red Cross, Kingsport Parks and Recreation and other interested and planned tenants of the new building are all planning to have their people there, voicing their support for funding the renovation.
All Douglass Alumni and Riverview-South Central Kingsport residents interested in the future of the Douglass High School building should be at the meeting, as a show of support for this project in our neighborhood. You can also write letters that can be delivered to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen.. just email those to me.

Just remember.. NO appearance, NO voice, NO vote, NO say in what happens in our neighborhood.