That will be the meeting when Kingsport Mayor Dennis Phillips, Vice Mayor Ben Mallicote, and Aldermen Ken Marsh, Larry Munsey, Pat Shull, Valerie Joh, and Jantry Shupe will all listen to discussion, and then decide whether to renovate our beloved and historic Douglass High School building, also known as the V.O. Dobbins Sr. Community Center, named after native statesman V.O. Dobbins, Sr.

Professor Dobbins was a principal man, but he was also a man of principle. He believed that, despite getting hand-me-down books and equipment, that deficit could be best managed if our children of Riverview and South Central Kingsport be taught with love and respect. Of the proposed renovation of Douglass, he would probably say "it's probably a good thing, but only if such renovation would benefit and be supported by ALL of the community, and not just part of it."
The countdown is about to end, as you can see above. Please plan to show your support for renovating one of the historic cornerstones of our community, by attending the meeting of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen when they bring the matter up for discussion on Monday, May 19th at 3 PM, in the City Council meeting room at City Hall in Downtown Kingsport. Hearing the board's decision for our neighborhood is a privilege for anyone hoping to take part in government, but even if you can only stay for a few minutes, your presence will be appreciated.
I have also prepared a short DVD presentation that the BMA will see, that will detail the support I have heard in the community about the proposed renovation. It's a short history of the school, from what people have told me, is the RIVERVIEW point of view.
If you cannot be there, please email a quick note of support for the renovation project. Please send them to City Manager John Campbell at:
And copy the email to:
Jeff Fleming, Assistant City Manager for Development:
Chris McCartt, Development Services Manager:
Knowledge is Power, and the more people we have at City Hall with knowledge, the more that people in power will listen to us, and consider things that are important TO us.