ABOVE, FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Terrance Maxwell, Patrick Leeper, and Courtney Wolfe
Got this note from "Mookie" Eldridge about our 2007 Douglass Scholarship Winners pictured above:
"These are three awesome kids, and so very deserving of the wonderful scholarships that Douglass Alumni have awarded them. I'm so proud of all of them!! Thank you, Douglass, for investing in their futures. I sincerely hope they will carry on your legacy, and one day perhaps they will be awarding scholarships to the next generation. It is so important that this chain never be broken."
We're also happy to report from 2007 Douglass Alumni Association Treasurer/Bookkeeper Virginia Hankins, that the scholarship fund already has a 595 dollar balance in it from your generous donations. Other monies for the scholarships come from the golf tournament at Cattails at Meadowview every reunion.
As "Mookie" says, we are investing in our young people's futures.